How do you spell "ピクトグラム" in English?
How do you spell スープ in English?
What does "result" mean?
Double points if you can use it in a sentence!
An outcome of something!
What does 初めて mean in English?
For the first time!
When were Pictograms first used in the Olympics?
How do you spell ビジター in English?
How do you spell エクセレント in English?
What does "obvious" mean?
Double points if you can use it in a sentence!
Clear, easily understood!
What does 例えば mean in English?
For example!
What is a pictogram?
Double points if you can draw one!
A picture or symbol for a word or phrase!
How do you spell ユーニバーサル in English?
How do you spell アンダスタンディング in English?
What does "traditional" mean?
Double points if you can use it in a sentence!
A long established way of life.
What does 世界中からやって来た mean in English!
From around the world!
What makes a good pictogram?
How do you spell メモラブル in English?
How do you spell デザイナーズ in English?
What does "abroad" mean?
Double points if you can use it in a sentence!
What does オリンビックごとに mean in English?
At every Olympics!
What do designers discuss when designing a pictogram?
They carefully select the shape and colour!
How do you spell トラディショナル in English?
How do you spell コミューニケーション in English?
What does "universal" mean?
Double points if you can use it in a sentence
adjective, relates to everyone in the world!
What is についてどう思いますか mean in English?
What do you think about?
Do all foreign visitors understand a traditional hot spring sign?
What does a traditional hot spring sign look like to many foreigners?
No, many foreigners mistake the hot spring sign for soup!