Tiers & Tiles
Individual Excellence
Enablers of Excellence
Xcel Energy Values
Around the Picture

The Picture of Excellence looks like a house comprised of six of these.
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What are the tiers?  Page 2


This is how we commonly describe how our work and results directly impact Xcel Energy.
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What is our part to play? Page 14


The Enablers of Excellence tier promotes and enables this.
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What is individual excellence? Page 18


There is no “I” in team. This value and its graphic, illustrate this.
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What is Connected? Always put we before me. Page 12


These 5 elements of the Picture of Excellence represent the expectations for how work is to be completed.
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What are the 5 Pillars of Excellence? (Page 24)


These are the foundation of the Picture of Excellence.
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What are Xcel Energy’s values?  Page 2


This tile has the same name as an important program at Xcel Energy.
(Page 16)

What is Safety Always? Page 16


This describes personal awareness of our performance shortfalls and taking appropriate actions to
close the gaps.
(Page 22)

What is self-aware and self-correcting?  (Page 22)


The Xcel Energy Code of Conduct influences our behavior in this value.
(Page 13)

What is Trustworthy? Page 13


Name two things Operations must continually and consistently do to achieve measurable results and accomplish our mission.
(Page 45)

Name any two of the following: What are prioritize, plan, budget, resource, schedule, monitor and adjust. Page 45


This statement describes the ultimate direction of the company. All the tiers ladder up to it.
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What is the Xcel Energy Vision?  Page 2


When we act like owners, complete our work on time and with quality, we demonstrate this attribute of Individual Excellence.
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What is Meets Commitments? Page 16


An attribute of this enabler says we hold to the basic principle that every individual wants to do an excellent job.
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What are Work Practices? Page 21


Protecting the environment for future generations is a behavior in this value.
(Page 13)

What is Safe? (Page 13)


This graphic describes enablers that protect us against undesirable individual and organization results.
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What is the defense-in-depth model? Page 20


The Picture of Excellence is our business tool, known as?
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What is our management model? (Page 2)


HOP is an acronym for these principles.
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What is Human and Organizational Performance? Page 16


Coaching is a gift. Does it influence future or past behavior?
(Page 21)

What is coaching enables forward looking/future behavior. Page 21  

FYI: feedback reflects current or past behavior.


This value includes participating in candid assessments of workplace behaviors and safety culture.
(Page 13)

What is Trustworthy? Page 13


This process helps us understand the “why” so we can better achieve the desired outcomes.
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What is change management? Page 27


The Picture of Excellence defines these things to help us achieve operational excellence.
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What are the behaviors and expectations? Page 6


These are two examples of ways we learn outside of formal training to strengthen our skills.
(Page 17)

Acceptable combinations include: What are operating experience, feedback, self-assessment, reading procedures, reading articles, being mentored, job-shadowing?


When we verify that the information used to plan and execute work is based upon the correct source documents we illustrate this enabler.
(Page 21)

What is Standards & Procedure Adherence? Page 21


This value holds that we are part of a larger team that demonstrates the collective ownership of our mission and responsibility for its success.
(Page 12)

What is Committed? Page 12


This statement describes what we want to achieve every day. It is our purpose.
(Page 44)

What is Xcel Energy’s mission? Page 44
