The formula for area of a rectangle
What is base x height?
What is a “bystander”
Someone who stands back as bullying is happening and does not step in
The country where the Eiffel Tower is found
What is France?
The fastest land animal on the planet
What is the cheeta?
National Stars Wars Day
What is May 4th?
The second step in order of operations
What is Exponents?
What year did Alcatraz close?
The tallest mountain in the world
What is Mount Everest?
The coldest place on earth
What is Antartica?
The name of Dorthy’s dog in The Wizard of Oz
What is Toto?
The steps to finding the range of a data set
What is a “gang plank”
A small platform or bridge to get on and off a boat
The name of the latitude that runs through the center of the earth
What is the Equator?
What is black?
The amount of dots in the Domino’s Pizza logo
What is 3?
The formula for area of a trapezoid
What is bottom base + top base x height/2?
What year was Al Capone born
The person who invented the light bulb
What is Thomas Edison?
The layer of Earth where earthquakes occur
What is the crust or upper mantle?
The national sport of Canada
What is Lacrosse?
The method to finding the mean of a set of data
What is the sum of each data added together divided by the number of terms?
Which state is Alcatraz off the coast of?
The name of the Pilgrim’s ship
What is the Mayflower?
The age of Earth
The closest living relative to a T-Rex
What is a chicken?