What is the name of Maxine's ex-boyfriend?
What is something that Jade was looking forward to but did not get?
A spot on the study abroad trip
What school does Jade go to?
St. Francis
savage physical violence; great cruelty.
What is the name of your librarian?
Ms. Barber
Who is the teacher that offered the mentorship program to Jade?
Mrs. Parker
Where does Jade see Sam for the first time?
On the bus
human social group.
Who is the ESL coach
Ms. C
Who was the black girl who was a victim of police brutality for having a house party that was too loud?
Natasha Ramsey
What did Lee Lee tell Jade she learned in school? This becomes an important part of the book
About York and Sacagwa
What city does Jade live in?
Portland or North Portland
take excessive measures in attempting to correct or make amends for an error, weakness, or problem.
What is the princpals name?
France Thiebault
Why do Maxine's parents not like her in woman to woman
They don't see it as a real job
How did Jade's mom feel about Maxine at the beginning of the book versus at the end?
At first Jade's mom think's that Maxine is a bad influence or is potentially jealous of the time she gets to spend with Jade. At the end she encourages Jade to stick with the program and is friendly with Maxine
fail to keep an appointment or fulfill a commitment, especially with little or no advance notice.
"a real friend won't ever flake on you"
Why does Jade say it's hard to believe Maxine cares about her?
Because Maxine is always standing up for Jon
What school does Lee Lee go to?
A symphony is an extended musical composition