Job Habits
Decision Making
Conflict Resolution
Just for Fun!
Beach Edition

FILL IN THE BLANK: A ______________ is a regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

A. Hobby

B. Habit

C. Job

*Bonus Question: give an example of a negative or positive habit*

B. Habit

*Bonus Answer: nail biting, leg tapping, cracking knuckles, brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.*


What term is defined as, "being courteous, being honest, using good judgment, and displaying profession qualities"?

A. Customer Service

B. Professionalism

C. Responsibility

D. Teamwork

*Bonus Question: Name an example of how to be professional during a presentation.*

B. Professionalism

*Bonus Answer: Facing forward, listening, paying attention, staying focused, raising your hand, waiting your turn, limiting distractions, etc.*


TRUE or FALSE: Decision-making is the process of selecting the best possible option in a given situation, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

*Bonus Question: Name one of the decision making games we played on Wednesday.*


*Bonus Answer: Tic Tac Toe and Memory/Concentration Card Game*


What is a conflict?

A. A serious disagreement or argument

B. A solution to a problem

C. A convention for people who watch flicks

*Bonus Question: is it okay to have conflicts with your friends if they are not too explosive or frequent?*

A. A serious disagreement or argument

*Bonus Answer: Yes! it is okay to have conflict with friends if it is not too explosive or frequent*


This commonly visited beach is located in Maryland and it is famous for its boardwalk, salt-water taffy, and "America's Greatest Family Resort."

A. Virginia Beach

B. Myrtle Beach

C. Ocean City Beach 

D. Panama City Beach 

C. Ocean City Beach


TRUE or FALSE: Susan comes in and greets boss her every day with the statement, "I love you." This is a good work habit on Susan's part.

*Bonus Question: Write down a work appropriate greeting.*


*Bonus Answer: Hello, Good Morning, etc.*


TRUE OR FALSE: All jobs/careers require professionalism.

*Bonus Question: Write down an example of a professional way to handle stress at work.*


*Bonus Answer: Take a deep breath, ask to take a break, get a drink of water, count to 10 in your head, think of your happy place, etc.*


Which of these does not influence decision making?

A. Family

B. Past experiences

C. Age

D. Shoe size

D. Shoe size


Which of these is NOT a way to dealing with conflict resolution?

A. State the problem

B. Come up with a solution to the problem

C. Leave the problem alone

C. Leave the problem alone


There are many beaches located in Virginia. What ocean borders Virginia?

A. Pacific Ocean

B. Atlantic Ocean

C. Indian Ocean

B. Atlantic Ocean


Which of these is NOT a good work habit?

A. Doing more than the work that is assigned to you

B. Taking extended time on breaks

C. Respect and achieve deadlines

B. Taking extended time on breaks


How should you greet your boss?

A. What's up

B. Top of the morning to ya sweetie

C. Good morning, how are you doing?

D. Hey babe

*Bonus question: What is a professional way to say goodbye to your boss?*

C. Good morning, how are you doing?

*Bonus answer: Have a nice day, see you tomorrow, have a good weekend, etc.*


What is the first step in the decision making process?

A. Evaluate and review the results

B. Create a plan of action

C. Identify the problem

C. Identify the problem


TRUE or FALSE: Some valuable skills that we learn from practicing conflict resolution include assertiveness, active listening, empathy, and mediation.



There are many fun activities to do on the beach one of these activities includes a ball and a net. Which activity does this describe?

A. Metal Detecting

B. Sun Bathing

C. Beach Volleyball

D. Building a Sandcastle 

C. Beach Volleyball


How should you fix the bad work habit of lying to your boss and coworkers?

A. Think before you speak

B. Respect your job and freedoms given to you

C. Focus on that which makes you feel good

A. Think before you speak


Name at least tip on how to make a good impression during an interview.

Answers will vary.

Possible answers: Dress for the job you want; Arrive 5-10 minutes early; Enter a room confidently; Offer a firm handshake; Be kind to everyone; Act interested; Be prepared to talk about the company and yourself; Do a pre-interview body check; Check your smile, etc.


Good decision making skills saves ________ and _________.

A. Money and food

B. Time and resources

C. People and risks

B. Time and resources


Which of these is a way of dealing with conflict?

A. Blaming others

B. Agreeing to disagree

C. Using "I statements"

C. Using "I statements"


What animal goes on to the beach, digs a nest, and lays eggs?

A. Shark

B. Sea Turtles

C. Seahorse 

D. Jelly Fish 

B. Sea Turtles


FILL IN THE BLANK: John comes into work on time every day, performs his job by exceeding expectations, and his boss offers him a promotion. This promotion is a good ___________ to John's good work habits.

Hint: another word for a result or outcome of an action



What piece of clothing should you NOT wear to an interview?

A. Collared shirt

B. Dress

C. Flip Flops

D. Blazer

C. Flip Flops


Jason is the lead cashier at the diner. The diner needs a new greeting. Jason asked all five cashiers to come up with a slogan. Jason and the cashiers collaborate to determine the top three slogans. Jason reviews the top three and determines which one will be the new slogan. What type of decision making is this?

A. Consensus Decision Making

B. Voter Decision Making

C. Collaborative Decision Making

D. Command Decision Making

C. Collaborative Decision Making


Why is conflict resolution so important?

A. Helps us understand how to deal with conflict

B. Develops relationships

C. Eliminates barriers

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

E. None of the above


This marine animal can change colors to communicate and camouflage itself. 

A. Lobster

B. Octopus

C. Shark

D. Dolphin

B. Octopus
