Staying Focused
Good Job Habits
Money Handling
Organization & Cleanliness
Random Trivia: Piers Staff

This is the ability to pay attention to things and avoid distractions.

A. Creativity

B. Focus

C. Communication

B. Focus


FILL IN THE BLANK: A ______________ is a regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.



True or False: Being financially responsible means spending a lot of your money based on what other people want you to spend it on.

False! Being financially responsible means, you have a process or way for managing your money that is in your best interest.

BONUS: What's the name of the rule that helps you manage money. Primarily how much money you should spend on your wants and needs and what should go to your savings. 


One of the best ways to protect yourself from germs is...

A. wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

B. rub your eyes with your hands

C. share drinks with your friends

A. wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

Bonus: Name another way you can protect yourself from germs


How many cats does Hilary have?

A. 0

B. 4

C. 2

D. 8

C. 2

Bonus: What are their names?


If you are focusing that means you are __________ __________.

A. Falling asleep

B. Paying attention

C. Playing games

B. Paying attention

BONUS: What is the appropriate body language that shows you are focused?


TRUE or FALSE: Susan comes in greet her every day with the statement, "I love you." This is a good work habit on Susan's part.



What does it mean to “manage” your money?

A. It is the way of budgeting, saving, spending, or otherwise how your money is used.

B. Spending your money only, not saving it

C. Putting all of your money in savings

A. It is the way of budgeting, saving, spending, or otherwise how your money is used.


When you sneeze you cough you should...

A. cough or sneeze into your hands

B. cough or sneeze onto someone else

C. cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue

C. cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue


What's Mateen's favorite sport?

A. Hockey

B. Pickleball

C. Soccer

D. Football

C. Soccer


All of these are tips to stay focused except...

A. Play on your phone

B. Plan out your time

C. Make a list

D. Sleep well, eat well

A. Play on your phone


Which of these is NOT a good work habit?

A. Doing more than the work that is assigned to you

B. Taking extended time on breaks

C. Respect and achieve deadlines

B. Taking extended time on breaks

BONUS: Give an example of a positive work habit that is not listed in this question.


When you are in debt it means that you…

A. owe someone money

B. have a lot of money

C. someone is paying you money

A. owe someone money


Write down two examples of common touch points that should be regularly cleaned on your whiteboard.

Answers May Vary

Door handles, Desk surfaces, Phones, Shared items, Sink faucets, Appliance handles, Keyboards, Etc.


How long has Derrick been in the PIERS program 

A. A few days 

B. 2 months

C. Since ServiceSource was founded

D. 11 months

B. 2 months


What are some negative consequences of focusing too much?

A. Feeling Tired

B. Not doing your best

C. Feeling easily overwhelmed

D. All the above

D. All the above


How should you fix the bad work habit of lying to your boss and coworkers?

A. Think before you speak

B. Respect your job and freedoms given to you

C. Focus on that which makes you feel good

A. Think before you speak


All of these could happen if you are not responsible with your money, except?

A. Difficulty reaching your financial goals

B. Less Financial control

C. Plenty of money in savings

D. Overspending

C. Plenty of money in savings


True or False: All bacteria are bad

False: some bacteria are good, like probiotics, which help you digest food.


Which staff member is often referred to as "the boss" by all in the PIERS program?

While everyone in the PIERS programs is treated with an equal amount of respect, and are given the opportunity to have a say in what happens in the PIERS program, Mariana is the BIG BOSS!


Name at least two exercise we discussed that helps you focus.

Answers May Vary

(1) Making notes or a to-do list, 2) Meditating, 3) Reading a long book, 4) Exercising your body, 5) Practicing active listening, 6) Do a counting game, 7) Memorize patterns, 8) Complete a crossword puzzle, and 9) Visualize an object.)


FILL IN THE BLANK: John comes into work on time every day, performs his job by exceeding expectations, and his boss offers him a promotion. This promotion is a good ___________ to John's good work habits.

Hint: another word for a result or outcome of an action



Name one reason why it is important to save money.

Answers May Vary

( To have money for emergencies, to save up for bigger expenses, etc.)


Name an organizing technique from the presentation or a useful one that you have tried

Answers May Vary

(Using labels, one-in-one-out method, maximize storage space, donate, make checklists, focus on one task at a time, have a place for everything, make a schedule, plan ahead, etc.)


What is the name of the newest staff member of the PIERS program?

A. Derrick 

B. Mariana
C. Sierra

D. David 

C. Sierra
