George lassos ____________.
The moon.
The toy Ralphie wanted for Christmas
Red Ryder BB gun
What does Santa leave for naughty children
What is Santa called in the UK?
Father Christmas
Which one was top Christmas toy first? Tickle Me Elmo, Furby, or Pokemon?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What year was it Elmo's year?
Tickle Me Elmo
This dramatic event happens during the Charleston dance competition.
"You'll shoot your eye out."
Names of the original 8 reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
What do Swedish children leave for Santa?
What 2 US states have towns called Santa Claus?
Indiana and Georgia
Why can't George hear out of one ear?
When he was a kid, his boss, the pharmacist, boxed his ears because he failed to make a delivery.
What did the family eat for Christmas dinner?
Peking duck
What agency officially tracks Santa's sleigh as he travels across the globe on Christmas?
NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command)
In Finland, what's hidden in one person's porridge, who then becomes the winner of this Christmas tradition?
In the movie Elf, what was the first rule of The Code of Elves?
Treat everyday like Christmas.
The famous duo-- the policeman and the cab driver
Bert and Ernie
What did Ralphie's aunt get him for Christmas?
pink bunny onesie
Where was mommy when she was seen kissing Santa Claus?
Under the mistletoe.
In Iceland, kids leave their shoes by the window on the nights leading up to Christmas. They get candy if they were good and what if they were bad?
Rotten potatoes
How many candles are put out for Kwanzaa?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What colors are the candles?
7 candles
Red, green, and black.
George's guardian angel's name
What did Ralphie's dad win?
Stocking leg lamp
What country was the original Santa from?
In Japan, where Christmas is not a holiday, it's tradition to have Christmas dinner here.
What country owns the record for the largest gathering of Santas?
Trichur, Kerala, India-- on 12/27/14, 18,112 Santas gathered.