What does a pika call their home?
What is den
What Is The Coloration On A Pika Used for???
What is Camouflage!!
Picas can make up to how many trip's in a day gathering food.
What is 100 trips.
Do pikas hibernate?
What is, No
Why Is Hearing (big ears) So Important For A Pika?
To her other pika warning calls in case there is danger.
What is a disadvantage of snow for the pikas?
The snow is very light, so if someone steps on the roof of their burrow, the burrow will collapse
What type of environments do pikas live in.
What is, rocky/talus slopes, high elevation
What future helps pika have good traction on snow and rocks?
What is pika feet!!
To prepare for hard times in winter what will pikes do to make sure they have enough food?
Pikas will gather the food in the summertime and gather extra wildflowers, and grass.
What do pika’s build their den around?
What are rocks.
Do Pikas Sweat, and how do there ears keep them cool because of this?
No, the ears help them shed heat and keep cool.
What is an advantage of snow for pikas?
Snow is very warm, so when you borrow under a big layer of it, it will produce heat.
Why do pikas often give off their call to other neighbors after building a den?
What is to define boundarie.
Did the Pikas coloration change because of their habitat?
What is undetermined
What is the name of the flower that pikas will store in their hay pile even though it has many chemicals in it.
Hint- It was mentioned in the pika survival video we watched about foods.
What is the Alpine Avens.