Coping Skills
Depression & Anxiety
Coping Skills 2
Misc. Vocabulary

Why do most Distress Tolerance skills take the form of an acronym?

What is: To be remembered more easily in times of stress. 


Who can attend and benefit from therapy? 

Who is: Anyone


This topic focuses on living in the moment and recognizing one’s emotions

What is: Mindfulness


Using Opposite Action, what should we do if we are afraid of doing something?

What is: Do it anyway


This is a holistic approach focusing on 5 pillars. 

(Bonus Points!!: Name the 5 pillars)

What is: Wellness 

Bonus: Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual, and Intellectual. 


This second level of understanding that focuses on preventing harsh emotions that may lead to something worse through the use of healthy coping strategies, support systems, and resilience is also known as what?

What is: Prevention


The two most common and recognizable mental illnesses are

What are Depression and Anxiety


What are the three different "minds" for mindfulness?

What is: Reasonable, Emotional, and Wise 


The process of tensing each muscle group for 5 seconds at a time, then releasing. Can be as simple as clenching and releasing a fist

What is: Progressive Muscle Relaxation


This can manifest in various ways, including persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and difficulty concentrating. 

What is: Depression


This method for cultivating mindfulness involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, breathing out for 4 seconds, and once again holding for 4 seconds before repeating this process.

What is: Box Breathing 

The Grizzly Bear analogy is used to explain what?

What is: Stress and/or Anxiety 


Making decisions with this mind, we may commit to something that we cannot uphold, or do something we may not want to do to avoid feeling left out/cast away.

What is: Emotional Mind 


This focuses on understanding and realizing that a situation is going to play out how it will, and accepting that to better understand how to proceed.

What is: Radical Acceptance 


This Pillar of Wellness focuses on what guides ones decisions, often related to morals. 

What is: Spiritual


What does the acronym, TIPP, stand for?

What is: Temperature, Intense Exercise, Pace Breathing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Susan experienced intense dread when she found out she had a presentation on Friday. Once the presentation was over, Susan felt relieved and like her old self. This is an example of what?

What is: Stress 


Decisions made with this mind are logical, but forget emotions. 

What is: Reasonable Mind

What does the acronym STOP stand for?

What is Stop, Take a step back, Observe, and Proceed mindfully 


The state of not knowing what to do, feeling intense emotions, lack of motivation, and can commonly be associated with depression.

What is: Languishing 


What is the difference between mindfulness skills and distress tolerance skills?

What is: Mindfulness skills should always be used, Distress tolerance skills are used in response to a problem. 


Symptoms of Depression can be experienced without what? (Hint: Two answers!) 

What is: A diagnosis and/or Need for Medication


This is a state of being that exists between our emotional and reasonable minds and is what we base our decision-making on. 

What is: Wise Mind 


Explain the skill/process of "Checking the Facts"

What is: A process that involves acknowledging emotions, understanding triggers and our reactions, asking if we are assuming a threat and what the worst case scenario is, and finally reflection on if our emotion fits the situation. 


In this state, we are completely in tune with our emotions and ourselves subjectively and emotionally. We still may face stressors, but it is not difficult to overcome most of these due to our understanding of effective coping strategies.

What is: Flourishing 
