What hours are we open on 4th of July?
8am to 6pm
When you are late, how much time can go by before an hour is deducted from your UPT bucket?
3 minutes
What is Dani's cat's name
Where can you find resources for ecomms?
The ecomms Wiki page! Posted in the knowledge pool channel.
What do you do if someone sends Credit Card info over chat and its not blocked out?
Redaction Request JIRA - tag all tls on it
What do you do if the customer wants all of the meds sent together but we do not have all the prescriptions on file?
Submit transfer ins, NMC, OTC requests to make sure we obtain all active prescriptions then submit the hold batch ticket.
Everything needs to be on file before submitting a ticket.
When there is an error with one of your punches, what do you do?
Tell your TL or submit a Hr resources ticket.
What is aubrey's cat's name
What is the expectation for working chat and emails?
Doing emails in between chats. Taking 2 chats a time.
What birds head must be upside down when they eat?
What are the ITAs that are closing down for insurance support?
ITA #19 and #24
Where do you go to open an HR case?
A to Z
What is Nicole's dog's name?
(johnny) Cash
What template do you use when you come across a partner email?
The partner opportunity template
Who is our HR rep?
PK Rufo
What are the names of the Macros that replaces RRR?
"hold batch account ticket" and " shipment date change ticket"
What is the time frame in July that vacation requests will need to be approved by the TL within 24 hours or you will have to submit the request again?
7/12 - 7/19
What is Makayla's nephew's name?
Where can you find the AST infographics?
Name all of the floor managers
what do you do with vitacare accounts?
transfer to andrew...jk ave them call the number
How much UPT do you receive if you are a Full- Time employee?
How many pets does andrew have?
Name three ways you should search for a customer's message if the email comes through blank.
Original email view, check attachments, dark mode