A serious argument or disagreement
What is Conflict?
Step 3 to resolving a conflict?
How we value and perceive ourselves.
What is Self-Esteem?
Ability to communicate your needs.
What is Self-Advocacy
This has 4 legs, 2 arms, and is not alive.
What is a Chair?
There are ______ proven steps that can be taken to resolve a conflict.
What is 4?
Step 4 to resolving a conflict?
What is Find a Solution?
If you like and value your self as person
What is high self- esteem?
Can be learned at any age
What are Self-Advocacy Skills?
This has to be broken before you can use it.
What is an Egg?
The process of resolving a conflict?
Conflict Resolution
Getting help from other to resolve a conflict?
What is mediation?
If you do not like yourself or think you are good at anything
What is low self- esteem?
You may need to advocate for yourself and your rights in an ISP meeting? True or False
What is True?
If I have it, I don't share it.
If I share it, I don't have it.
What is a secret?
Step 1 to resolve a conflict
Stay calm, Control your emotions, Be careful with your words
What are some ways to avoid conflict?
Take care of ourselves, practice good hygiene, learn something now, hang out with friends
What is ways to boost our self-esteem?
Things you have that are protected by law. Rules that make people equal.
What are Rights?
I'm tall when I'm young, and short when I'm old.
What is a candle?
Step 2 to resolving a conflict?
What is Redirect?
Yell, Taunt, Criticize, threaten
What are things you should not do when trying to avoid conflict?
Who can be affected by low self-esteem?
What is anyone?
Changes that remove barriers for people with disabilities are accommodations, True or False?
What is True?
David's parents have 3 sons. Their names are Snap, Crackle, and ________.
What is David?