按/ pressing
气/ vital energy
脉/ pulse
针/ needle.
dāng guī
当归/ Angelica Sinensis
提/ lifting
神/ spirit
xū shí
虚实/ deficiency & excess
hé gǔ
合谷/ united valley, LI4
cāng zhú
苍术/ Atractylodes Rhizome
guā shā
刮痧/ scraping a smooth-edged tool (typically made of jade, buffalo horn, or metal) over the skin to stimulate blood circulation, release muscle tension, and promote healing
yīn yáng
阴阳/ dual nature of all things in the universe, they are complementary, opposing forces that are interconnected and interdependent.
tóu tòng
头痛/ headache
xuè wèi
穴位/ acupoint
jié gěng
桔梗/ Platycodon
niē bèi
捏背/ Back Pinching or Back Kneading
tán shī
痰湿/ phlegm & dampness
biàn zhèng
辩证/ differentiation
fēng chí
风池/ wind pool, GB20
sāng jì shēng
桑寄生/ Mulberry Mistletoe
chuí dǎ
捶打/ Pounding or Tapping
wǔ zàng liù fǔ
五脏六腑/ five zang & six fu organs.
wàng wén wèn qiè
望闻问切/ observation, smelling & hearing, inquiring, palpation.
zú sān lǐ
足三里/ finger-widths below patella, ST36
wáng bù liú xíng
王不留行/ Vaccaria Seed