How many pages were lost from the manuscript by Martin Harris?
Color of the level of stress we want to be in the most...Hint- Not the color Mason said he likes to be in
Exact date Valentine's day is celebrated (Month and Day)
Feb 14th
Official start time of seminary each day
We talked about 5 subjects and the wisest person we knew in each subject. Name at least 3 of the 5 subjects
Science, History, Religion, Health, Technology
Name two of the 4 books we read scriptures out of yesterday. Each table read one. Hint - Not Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C or Pearl of Great Price
Psalm, Isaiah, Matthew and Mosiah
The first Valentine's Day card was a poem written in the year 1415 by a duke from this country
Not exactly legal, not exactly illegal is this color "area"
Place where donuts were brought in 2 weeks ago
The Lord said in D&C 10:43 " wisdom is greater than the ______ of the ________"
Name of the apostle who told us to watch for the stress indicators in ourselves and in others we may be able to help. He compared the indicators to those of a car when there are problems with a vehicle.
Elder Holland
Name of the handsome young man that walks around Valentine's day with a bow and arrow
She was ready to go to battle from the moment she sprang from Zeus' head
Who is Athena
What is windshield wipers
Satan is trying to stop us from progressing spiritually and doing God's work. What is the analogy that yours truly (Bro. Draughon) used to describe how progress can be stopped.
Colorado River and the lakes it creates by dams.
What was the full phrase written on the board yesterday?
Many couples will watch this genre of movies on the holiday
It's used for rechargeable batteries; in a Nirvana song, its lyrics include "I love you, I'm not gonna crack"
What is Lithium
Person that was closest to God in wisdom on the vertical scale drawn on the board
Who is Nikola Tesla
What was Satan's plan with the lost 116 pages?
Alter the words of the manuscript so when Joseph retranslated it the claim could be made that he translated it differently and was a false prophet.
Name the four levels of stress we studied starting with most ideal to least ideal. IN ORDER.
Number of roses grown in preparation of Valentine's Day (+/- 50 million will get you credit here)
250 million
This brand, named after the Religious colony settled in Pennsylvania, produces Oatmeal, Snack Bar and more.
What is Quaker Oats
Item mentioned in class that some people chew on when stressed or anxious
What are finger nails