A Thousand Words
President Nelson
Who Am I?
Inspirational Stories

Who told the story of repelling into the Moaning Caverns in California?

Elder Timothy J. Dyches


In President Nelson's opening remarks, he compared removing debris in our lives to removing debris where?

The Salt Lake Temple!


Who could have hopped on a flight and worked as a flight attendant after her talk?

Sister Joy D Jones.


What golf course did Elder Jan Newman compare to conversion?

St. Andrews in Scotland


Elder Mutombo told a story of being mad at his parents.  He exclaimed, "All we do in this house is _____, ______, ______!"  Fill in the blank.

All we do in this house is PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!


Who said, 

“Miracles, signs and wonders abound among followers of Jesus Christ today, in your lives and in mine"?

Elder Ronald A Rasband

(in his talk titled "Not as the World Giveth")


Elder Rasband talked about a miracle here.  Where is it and what happened?

The church's set in Goshen, UT.  The power went out due to a wildfire, and it miraculously came back on so they could have the face to face.


President Nelson talked about visiting Samoa, Tahiti, Fiji, and one other country in the Pacific.  It was raining, and miraculously, it stopped raining in these 3 countries.  What country did it keep raining and the Saints faithfully worshipped in the rain?



Name this General Conference speaker and his doppelgänger.

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Elder Gary Stevenson and Supreme Court Justice John Roberts


Elder Stevenson spoke about being kind. What city residents were kind and provided pork, sugar, and shoes to the Saints on the Mississippi River?

Quincy, Illinois - the city of Refuge.


Who entered Conference in 2012 feeling a little unsure of himself until Elder Holland patted his cheeks to welcome him?

Elder Edward Dube:  "I felt like a baby!"


Who said, “Let’s not allow the convenience of electronic devices to keep us from teaching and listening to our children, and looking into their eyes"?

President Joy D Jones

(in her talk titled "Essential Conversations")


What did Elder Stevenson teach with these pictures?

He illustrated the power of kindness and compassion.  

President Nelson taught in General Conference, "Through your faith, Jesus Christ will increase your ability to move the mountains in your life (1 Nephi 7:12), even though your personal challenges may loom as large as __________  ___________  (fill in the blank).”

Mount Everest


Name this General Conference speaker and his doppelgänger.

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Elder José A. Teixeira and Bishop H. David Burton (former Presiding Bishop of the church)


Sister Reyna Aburto told of her brother dying.  How did he die and what gave her comfort?

He died in an earthquake.  She was able to find comfort from a dream where her brother was knocking at the door.  It gave her faith in the resurrection.  


Which Conference speaker jokingly asked, "Who likes surgery by the way?"

Elder Taniela B. Wakolo


Who said, "In this Easter season, Jesus Christ invites us to become, like Him, a good Samaritan, to make His Inn (His Church) a refuge for all from life’s bruises and storms"?

Elder Gerrit W. Gong

(in his talk titled "Room in the Inn")


What did Elder Jorge T. Becerra teach about this picture?

President Brigham Young had a dream of the Prophet Joseph Smith herding sheep and goats.  He said, "They are all good in their places."


President Nelson announced that how many Temples are presently under construction or renovation?

41 temples are presently under construction or renovation. (Just last year, despite the pandemic, ground was broken for 21 new temples!)


Name a General Conference speaker with an NBA last name.  

Hint:  He grew up in Zaire (The Democratic Republic of the Congo).

Elder Thierry K. Mutombo and Dikembe Mutombo


Elder Mark Palmer told a story about his parents who were sheep farmers in New Zealand.  What happened to help them meet with the missionaries?

His 17 month old sister Ann accidentally drowned.  


Which Conference speaker performed the actions to the primary song about the Wise Man and the Foolish Man in his talk?

Elder Sam Wong. (Sum Ting's brother...)


Who said, "In matters of covenantal purity, the sacred is too often being made common and the holy is too often being made profane. To any who are tempted to walk or talk or behave in these ways—“as the world giveth,” so to speak—don’t expect it to lead to peaceful experience; I promise you in the name of the Lord that it won’t."?

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

(in his talk titled "Not as the World Giveth")


Who is this woman and who spoke about her?

98 year old Sister Dola Davis.  She was Elder Newman's kindergarten teacher in Overton, NV!


President Nelson announced 20 new Temples!  Name the location of 10 of them.


Name these look alikes:  (100 points for each...)

Ryan Murphy (Associate music director of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square)

Scott Haws

Michael Scott


Elder Christofferson quoted J Golden Kimball saying what about the strait and narrow path? (the G-rated version)

"I may not always walk the strait and narrow, but I cross it as often as I can."

J Golden Kimball


Elder D. Todd Christofferson told a funny story about a reporter writing that we "baptize the dead" by doing what?

Immersing rolls of microfilms in water!


Who said,

"God is among us — and is personally involved in our lives and actively guiding His children"?

Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf

(in his talk titled "God Among Us")
