What day is Pink Shirt Day celebrated?
February 26
What color shirt do people wear on PINK Shirt Day?
What is Bullying?
Bullying is when someone keeps hurting, teasing, or threatening another person on purpose.
What is kindness?
Kindness is being friendly, helpful, and generous to others.
What year was Pink Shirt Day first celebrated?
How do some other countries, like the U.S., refer to Pink Shirt Day?
Anti-Bullying Day
Why do people wear pink on Pink Shirt Day?
To show support for those who are bullied and to raise awareness about stopping bullying.
Name an example of Bullying.
e.g. Name-calling, pushing, spreading rumors, and excluding someone from a group.
How can we show kindness to others?
By saying something nice, helping someone in need, or simply being friendly and respectful.
Who started Pink Shirt Day?
David Shepherd and Travis Price
What Canadian province did Pink Shirt Day originate in?
Nova Scotia
How does wearing pink help with anti-bullying?
It shows that you are standing against bullying and supporting kindness.
What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online, like sending hurtful messages or posting mean things on social media.
Why should we be kind to everyone?
Because kindness makes people feel good and helps stop bullying.
Where was Pink Shirt Day first celebrated?
What year did Pink Shirt Day start to spread to countries outside of Canada?
Can people participate in Pink Shirt Day without wearing pink?
Yes! You can participate by showing support through actions like spreading kindness or standing up to bullying.
What does "stand up to bullying" mean?
It means speaking out against bullying and supporting the person who is being bullied.
What’s a way to support someone who is being bullied?
Tell a trusted adult or stand up for them and let them know you care.
Why was Pink Shirt Day created?
To stand up against bullying after a boy was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school.
True or False: Pink Shirt Day is an official national event in the United States.
What day of the week do we wear pink?
How can we stop bullying?
By standing up for others, being kind, reporting bullying to an adult, and not participating in it.
How can we make our school kinder?
By encouraging everyone to be kind, stop bullying, and support one another.
What was the first event of Pink Shirt Day?
A group of students wore pink shirts to support a boy who was bullied for wearing one.