what are 2 diffrent times people wait between meat and milk
3 and 6
how many brochos in shmoneh esrei
how long do they keep shavuos for in eretz yisroel
1 day
15 seconds to find out what time Shabbos comes out this week
what is the code to the front door
what two sets of foods can you not eat together
meat and milk and meat and fish
when do we say the most shmoneh esrais in one day
and bonus 100 if you can say what they are?
yom kippur
name a yom tov we dont say hallel on
on yom kippur,purim
what is the longest shabbas davening possible
yom kippur on shabbas
code to heichal
when can you always do melochos on shabbas
pikuach nefesh
name 5 times we dont say tachanun
rosh chodesh, sdhabbas ,yom tov erev shabbas mourner
name 2 ways in which yom tov differs from shabbas
you can cook and yom tov has a reason
name 10 melochos
i will count
code to old adass
you get a free 500 points
when do we where tefilin at mincha
tisha b'ov
what yom tov can we do all melochos
how many double parshas are there
what is the biggest shul in the world
the belz shul in eretz yisrael
when can you talk with only one tefilin on
when you are taking them off
name 3 out of the 4 parshos in the tefilin
shema,vehoyo,kadesh and vehoyo kiviecho
how many parts of pesukai desimra are from tehilim
name 30 melochos
i will count
name the codes to 7 shuls in melboune