"sausage nailed to a piece of bark" is from what movie?
Arthur Christmas
out of this family, who had the most fun high school experience
which game is banned from all family trips away
what is dads favourite thing to say when watching movies
"maybe it's not real'
What mode of transport did daniel drive off the wall before there was a pool there?
what movie makes daniel cry everytime
Jurassic World 2: fallen kingdom
what show does dad insist we've seen all of, even if there's new episodes
what number just dance is the kids favourite?
Just Dance 4
what is daniels childhood teddy bear called?
who has been lost twice on rottonest?
What is Mum and Grace's comfort movie
Pride and Prejudice
who refuses to acknowledge that knowing actors is helpful
what wii sports game did daniel take a little too seriously?
Ski jump
on what holiday do Daniel and Grace fight, every single year
how many knee replacements has Oupa had?
what movie would make Grace jump and not watch because it scared her so much?
Independance Day
who is nana's favourite grandchild?
what game prohibits talking during turns and thus makes everyone start communicating in more elaborate ways?
who can communicate silently - done often at the dinner table
the children
Mum and Grace
What celebrity was dad told he looked similar to?
Daniel Craig (the guy was lying)
what is one of Daniel's all time favourite kids movie
Hint: Ewan McGregor is in it
who has to be forced to see a doctor
what just dance song did the kids get 5 stars on every time
Promiscuous Girl
"the claw" is from which animated kids film?
Toy Story
what phrase did Grace say once in anger and has never been able to live down since