Ancient ruler
What is Neptune
Holds domicile & exaltation
What is Mercury
Vedic name; The Head of the Dragon
What is Rahu
Vedic name; The Tail of the Dragon
What is Ketu
Type of eclipse on Sept.17th
What is Partial Lunar Eclipse?
What is the Trident
Zero degrees Virgo, 29 degrees Leo
What is Regulus
What is Mission?
Proposed sign of domicile
What is Scorpio
The ruler of the eclipse is on this Fixed Star
Solitude, Vacations, Prison, Midnight
What is the Twelfth House?
Winged messenger, constellation
What is Angel
In Pisces, this type of natural disaster is common
Reincarnation; A life already lived
What is Past life
Constellation. Aquatic and Japanese
What is the koi fish
A mass _________ awakening
What is Spiritual?
Global ______ crisis
The Royal Star
What is Fomaulhaut
Songs: Virgo's Groove, A Gift From Virgo
What is Beyoncé
Two words.
A culmination of the age and of the dispositor's time since 2011
What are Pisces and Neptune?
2006; The South Node in Virgo's dispositor was on this fixed star at the time of its ingress.
What is Pollux?