Name for nerve cell
Muscles affected by massage are manipulated which way
Insertion to origin
Blood is supplied to the scalp above and behind the ears
Posterior auricular artery
How many bones make up the cranium
Which hand muscles draw digits together
The state of balance cause by opposing functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
What is Homeostasis
in front of the ear
Hemoglobin attracts oxygen molecules through which of the following processes
How many of the 14 bones that compose the facial skeleton are involved in facial massage
What term is used to describe a muscles function that means to lift up
Branch of nerves that include zygomatic and infraorbital
Bands of fibrous tissue that attach the muscle to the bone
Occipital artery supplies blood to where
back of the head
Largest bone in the facial skeleton
Bone also known as collarbone
Nerve that carries messages from brain to the muscles
Motor or efferent nerve
Mastication muscle located above and in front of the ear and both opens and closes the jaw
Blood traveling from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart is referred to as
Systemic circulation
Smaller bone on the thumb side of the lower arm or forearm
What muscle is drawing the corners of the mouth down to express sadness
Components of the nervous system include the
Brain, spinal cord and nerves
Muscle located under the arm and helps lifting the arm
Serratus anterior
Upper chambers of the heart consist of
Right and left atriums
12 bones that protect the heart, lungs and other internal organs
What organ converts and neutralizes ammonia from the circulatory system to urea