Central Idea
Point of View

What is theme?

The overall message or lesson of a story


"I can’t believe you broke my bike!" Jake shouted, his face red with frustration.
"I didn’t mean to!" Mia said, looking down at her shoes. "I’ll help you fix it."

What does this dialogue reveal about Mia’s character?
A) She avoids responsibility.
B) She feels guilty and wants to make things right.
C) She is excited about fixing the bike.
D) She doesn’t care about Jake’s feelings.

B) She feels guilty and wants to make things right.


What is main idea?

Main is what the story is mostly about.


What is point of view?

The perspective from which the story is told


What does it mean to infer?

To make an educated guess based on evidence/details


Lena always felt nervous before a big test, but this time, she had studied for weeks. As she flipped through the exam, she realized she knew most of the answers. For the first time, she felt confident in her abilities.

What is the theme of this passage?
A) Overconfidence leads to failure
B) Hard work leads to confidence and success
C) Tests are always stressful
D) It’s impossible to prepare for everything

B) Hard work leads to confidence and success 


"Are you coming to the party?" Sam asked eagerly.
"No, I have a big test tomorrow," Lisa replied, flipping through her textbook.
"You always worry too much," Sam said, rolling his eyes.
"I just want to do well," Lisa muttered, highlighting another line.

How does Lisa’s dialogue help develop her character?
A) It shows she is careless about school.
B) It reveals that she is responsible and serious about her studies.
C) It suggests she dislikes her friends.
D) It indicates that she doesn’t like parties.

B) It reveals that she is responsible and serious about her studies.


Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean. This pollution harms marine animals, like sea turtles and fish, that mistake plastic for food. Over time, plastic breaks into tiny pieces called microplastics, which enter the food chain and even affect humans. To reduce this problem, people can use reusable bags, bottles, and containers.

What is the main idea of this passage?
A) People should stop eating fish.
B) Pollution only affects animals.
C) Plastic waste is a major problem for the environment.
D) The ocean is too polluted to save.

C) Plastic waste is a major problem for the environment.


I couldn’t believe my luck! I had just found a twenty-dollar bill on the sidewalk. I looked around, but no one seemed to be searching for it. Smiling, I picked it up and thought about all the things I could buy.

What point of view is used in this passage?
A) First-person
B) Second-person
C) Third-person limited
D) Third-person omniscient

A) First-person


Jordan stared at the empty cookie jar, then at his younger brother, whose hands were covered in crumbs. The little boy looked away, avoiding Jordan’s gaze.

What can be inferred from this passage?
A) Jordan ate all the cookies.
B) Jordan’s younger brother took the cookies.
C) The cookie jar was empty from the start.
D) Jordan is imagining the missing cookies.

B) Jordan’s younger brother took the cookies.


Mia and Kelly had been best friends since kindergarten, but when Mia started spending more time with a new group, Kelly felt left out. Instead of confronting Mia, she started ignoring her. Eventually, they both realized that they missed each other and had to talk honestly about their feelings.

What lesson can be learned from this passage?
A) It's okay to ignore problems because they go away
B) Communication is key to maintaining friendships
C) New friendships are more important than old ones
D) Friendships never change over time

B) Communication is key to maintaining friendships


"I don’t know if I can do this," Brian whispered, gripping the edge of the diving board.
"You’ve been practicing for weeks," Coach Taylor said. "You’re ready."
Brian took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I’m going for it."

What effect does Coach Taylor’s dialogue have on Brian?
A) It makes him more nervous.
B) It encourages him to believe in himself.
C) It convinces him to quit.
D) It distracts him from his fear.

B) It encourages him to believe in himself.


The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, changed the world with their invention of the airplane. Before their breakthrough, people could only travel long distances by train or boat, which took days or even weeks. Their first successful flight in 1903 lasted only 12 seconds, but it proved that controlled flight was possible. Today, airplanes are a major part of travel and transportation worldwide.

What is the main idea of this passage?
A) The Wright brothers invented the airplane, which changed transportation.
B) Trains and boats were better for travel than airplanes.
C) Airplanes were not important in history.
D) The first flight was too short to make an impact.

A) The Wright brothers invented the airplane, which changed transportation.


Mia stared at the test in front of her, trying to remember the answer to the last question. Across the room, her teacher watched, hoping Mia wouldn’t panic. Meanwhile, her best friend, Jason, was already finished and doodling on the back of his paper, unaware of Mia’s struggle.

What point of view is used in this passage?
A) First-person
B) Second-person
C) Third-person limited
D) Third-person omniscient

D) Third-person omniscient


"I don’t know what happened," Mark said, scratching his head as he looked at the pile of broken glass on the floor. "I barely touched the shelf!"

What can be inferred about what happened?
A) Mark is lying about the accident.
B) Something fell and broke when Mark touched the shelf.
C) Mark is in a different room and didn’t see what happened.
D) The glass broke because of an earthquake.

B) Something fell and broke when Mark touched the shelf.


In a small village, a young boy named Tariq worked hard to gather water for his family every day. The other children teased him, saying he should play instead. But during a drought, Tariq’s family had enough water while others struggled.

What is the theme of this passage?
A) Being prepared and responsible has benefits
B) Playing is more important than working
C) Everyone should gather water
D) People should not tease each other

A) Being prepared and responsible has benefits


"We need to leave now," Carlos insisted, glancing at his watch.
"Relax," Marco said, stretching out on the couch. "We have plenty of time."
Carlos shook his head. "If we’re late, we might miss our chance."

What does the contrast in dialogue between Carlos and Marco suggest?
A) Carlos is impatient, and Marco is responsible.
B) Carlos is cautious, and Marco is laid-back.
C) Marco is worried, and Carlos is carefree.
D) Both characters are equally concerned about time.

B) Carlos is cautious, and Marco is laid-back.


Many people believe that video games are just a way to pass the time, but research shows they can improve important skills. Some games help players develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Others enhance hand-eye coordination and reaction time. Even multiplayer games can be beneficial because they require teamwork and communication. While too much screen time can be unhealthy, playing video games in moderation has some advantages.

What is the main idea of this passage?
A) Video games have some benefits when played in moderation.
B) All video games are harmful to players.
C) Multiplayer games are the only valuable type of game.
D) People should stop playing video games.

A) Video games have some benefits when played in moderation.


Liam walked through the dark alley, his hands trembling. He had heard footsteps behind him earlier, but now, all was silent. He quickened his pace, hoping he was imagining things.

How does the point of view create suspense in this passage?
A) The narrator knows what is following Liam.
B) The reader only knows what Liam knows, creating tension.
C) The narrator tells the story from multiple perspectives.
D) The story is told as if the reader is experiencing it directly.

B) The reader only knows what Liam knows, creating tension.


Samantha tossed and turned, checking the clock for the fifth time in an hour. She sighed, grabbed her phone, and reread the message on the screen. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, but she set the phone down and rolled onto her side, staring at the ceiling.

What can be inferred about Samantha?
A) She is struggling to fall asleep because something is on her mind.
B) She is waiting for her alarm to go off.
C) She is writing a text message to her best friend.
D) She has no concerns and is completely relaxed.

A) She is struggling to fall asleep because something is on her mind.


A scientist spent years working on a cure for a rare disease, despite many failures. At times, people doubted him, but he never gave up. Finally, he discovered a treatment that saved thousands of lives.

What message does this passage convey?
A) Science is difficult and should not be trusted
B) Success comes easily to those who are lucky
C) Determination and persistence lead to success
D) People will always doubt scientists

C) Determination and persistence lead to success


"I heard the rumors," Sylvia said, crossing her arms.
"You don’t understand," Daniel replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Then help me understand," she challenged, her eyes narrowing.
Daniel sighed. "It’s not that simple."

How does Daniel’s dialogue contribute to the story’s tension?
A) It suggests he is hiding something important.
B) It shows he is eager to share his secret.
C) It makes Sylvia feel more at ease.
D) It reveals that the rumors are false.

A) It suggests he is hiding something important.


The invention of the printing press in the 15th century changed the world forever. Before the printing press, books had to be copied by hand, making them rare and expensive. Johannes Gutenberg’s machine allowed books to be produced quickly and cheaply. As a result, literacy rates increased, and more people had access to knowledge. This invention led to the spread of new ideas and played a major role in events like the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution.

What is the main idea of this passage?
A) The printing press helped increase literacy and spread knowledge.
B) The Renaissance was more important than the printing press.
C) Books were never expensive before the printing press.
D) Johannes Gutenberg was the only person who could use the printing press.

A) The printing press helped increase literacy and spread knowledge.


"I don’t understand why she’s mad at me," Jake muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets. Across the room, Ava glared at him, thinking about how he had ignored her all day. She wished he would just apologize already.

How does the third-person omniscient point of view affect the story?
A) It keeps Ava’s thoughts a mystery, making the reader wonder why she is angry.
B) It allows the reader to understand both Jake’s confusion and Ava’s frustration.
C) It limits the story to Jake’s perspective, making Ava seem unreasonable.
D) It forces the reader to guess what each character is feeling.

B) It allows the reader to understand both Jake’s confusion and Ava’s frustration.


As the rain poured outside, Olivia sat by the window with her suitcase beside her. She checked her phone and sighed. The train was delayed—again. She pulled her coat tighter around her and looked down at her unused ticket, wondering if she’d ever make it home.

What can be inferred about Olivia’s feelings?
A) She is relieved that she gets to stay longer.
B) She is frustrated and eager to leave.
C) She is indifferent about the delay.
D) She doesn’t want to go home.

B) She is frustrated and eager to leave.
