Nature and Wildlife
History of Exploration
Survival Skills
Famous Explorers and Adventurers
Astronomy and Space Exploration

In which Canadian national park can you find the Athabasca Glacier, one of the most accessible glaciers in North America?

Answer: Jasper National Park


Who was the first European explorer to sail around the southern tip of Africa, thereby opening a sea route to Asia?

Answer: Bartolomeu Dias


What are three methods you can use to purify water in a survival situation, and why is it important to do so?

Answer: Boiling, chemical treatment (like iodine tablets), and using a water filter; it's crucial to kill or remove harmful pathogens and bacteria that can cause illness.


Who was the first woman to fly solo nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean?

Answer: Amelia Earhart


What is the name of the spacecraft that first landed humans on the moon?

Answer: Apollo 11


What is the name of the large inland body of water located in the Canadian Rockies known for its turquoise-colored waters?

Answer: Lake Louise


Which British naval officer led three expeditions to explore the Pacific Ocean and chart numerous islands, including New Zealand and Hawaii?

Answer: Captain James Cook


What is the name of the survival technique that involves creating a temporary shelter using natural materials like branches and leaves?

Answer: Shelter building or debris shelter


Who led the first successful expedition to the summit of Mount Everest?

Answer: Sir Edmund Hillary (with Tenzing Norgay)


What term is used for the ancient method of navigation using the position of the stars?

Answer: Celestial navigation


Name one species of bear commonly found in Canada, known for its distinctive white fur and habitat in the Arctic region.

Answer: Polar bear


Which explorer discovered the sea route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through what is now known as the Strait of Magellan?

Answer: Ferdinand Magellan


What are some key considerations when choosing a campsite for wilderness camping to minimize environmental impact?

Answer: Distance from water sources, avoiding fragile vegetation, and choosing durable surfaces like gravel or sand


Which famous polar explorer led expeditions to both the Arctic and Antarctic regions?

Answer: Ernest Shackleton


Which spacecraft carried out the first flyby of Pluto in 2015?

Answer: New Horizons


What is the name of the largest island in Canada and the fifth-largest island in the world, located in the Arctic Archipelago?

Answer: Baffin Island


What was the name of the ship Charles Darwin sailed on during his famous voyage, and what was the primary purpose of his expedition?

Answer: HMS Beagle; to survey and map areas of the world, collecting specimens for scientific study


What is the proper procedure for using a compass and map to navigate in the wilderness, and why is it important to learn these skills before venturing into remote areas?

Answer: Orient the map to match the direction of travel indicated by the compass needle, and follow topographical features; these skills prevent getting lost and aid in safe navigation.


Who was the first European explorer to land on mainland North America?

Answer: Leif Erikson (although his exact landing site is debated)


What is the name of the space telescope launched in 1990 that has provided valuable images of deep space?

Answer: Hubble Space Telescope


Which Canadian province is home to the Bay of Fundy, famous for having the highest tidal range in the world?

Answer: New Brunswick


Who was the first person to reach the North Pole by air, achieving this feat in 1926?

Answer: Richard E. Byrd (although there is controversy over whether he actually reached the exact North Pole)


In a survival scenario, what are the essential items to include in a basic survival kit, and why are these items crucial for survival?

Answer: Items such as a knife, fire starter, emergency shelter, signaling device, and first aid kit; these items assist in obtaining food, water, and shelter, and signal for rescue if necessary.


Which astronaut became the first person to walk on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong


What is the name of the mission that sent the first humans to land on Mars in 2025?

Answer: Ares Mission
