The understanding that we are separate entity from other people and objects in our world
Self Awareness
In the weeks leading up to the Army Navy Game, you were bragging to your friends that Army was going to beat the hell out of Navy. After Army loses the game, you tell your friends that you knew Army was going to lose.
Hindsight Bias
After Army wins the Army navy game, you post on your story about the victory and act like a proud Army Football fan.
Basking in Reflecting Glory
Everyone arounds you starts jumping when Tsunami is played, so you start jumping.
Self-Expansion Theory
The idea that we all want to grow and improve, and one way to do that is to cognitively include other people into our self-concept.
Our self-concept is composed of two parts: a personal identity and a social identity, made up of our group memberships and culture
Social Identity Theory
On vacation, you are sightseeing on a tour bus and look out the window at the beach and think about whether there are shark attacks on that beach.
Availability Heuristic
A cadet in your company goes to spirit dinner in the fanciest clothes they own to show others how successful they are.
Conspicuous Consumption
You refused to sign up for the NFM because you think you won't be able to complete it on time.
Upward Social Comparison
Comparing someone better than you for purpose of improvement.
A method of self-enhancement that involves affiliating with an in-group when that group has been successful
Basking in Reflected Glory
You are deciding how much time you are going to study for the PL383 WPR and think that because you are a good student you don’t need to study for WPR.
Optimistic Bias
You watch your friend talk to your TAC Officer about how they admire what they are doing for the company right before MIAD selection happens.
Reg passes down a course of action for how to complete the NFM. You disagree and think there is a much easier way to complete it.
Cognitive Miser
Collective Self-Esteem
Our subjective, personal evaluation of our self-concept, whether we're happy with who we are or not
Our subjective, personal evaluation of our self-concept, whether we’re happy with who we are
Your TAC Officer believes that your company needs more discipline, whenever they see a cadet in your company breaking the rules they make a public statement. When they see a cadet doing the right thing they fail to respond.
Confirmation Bias
You are extremely vocal in your Philosophy class.
You are pumping your gas and the pump stops at $49.45. You wait a few seconds and then keep filling until the pump hits $50.00.
Better than Average Effect
A form of cognitive bias in which people believe they are better than a typical person, even though statistically it's impossible for everyone to be better than average
A mental shortcut that makes it easier to solve difficult problems. While fast these shortcuts can sometimes lead to mistakes
You are on vacation, and you happen to run into your favorite celebrity. You are so taken by their presence and attractiveness that you fail to notice that they were rude to you in your interaction with them. You later tell your friends how kind and intelligent they are in real life.
Halo Effect
An unrealistic optimism about the future and an inflated view of one's self-concept.
Positive Illusions
You are patrolling through the woods during a graded summer evaluation and come in contact with a force that is equal to your size. Your front squad engages and now you have to decide what to do.
Optimal Margin Theory
Slight distortions of reality that can improve psychological well being.