Of the Colors of the Rainbow, Baseline data is this color
What is Red?
Of the Colors of the Rainbow, Informal data is this color
What is green?
Of the Colors of the Rainbow, Criterion Referenced is this color.
What is Purple?
Of the Colors of the Rainbow, Curriculum-Based is this color
What is Orange?
Of the Colors of the Rainbow, Norm-referenced is this color
What is Blue?
There are two Baseline data items, they are
What is Numeric and Quantitative Data?
Two examples of Informal Data are
What is referral data/Record Review/vision/hearing?
What is Work Samples/Parent-Teacher information/Observations Home/School?
Examples of Criterion Referenced are
What is STAAR/EOC/Universal Screener/Brigance/TELPAS/AP Tests/PSAT/SAT/ACT/Iowa Test of Basic Skills
Curriculum-based examples are
What is Teacher-made /Textbook quiz, District Benchmarks, CBM, Running Record, Progress Monitoring, Universal Screeners
Some Norm-referenced data examples are
What are standardized measures (achievement/cognitive tests)/Developmental measures, specialized measures
This is the formula to use when writing an Impact Statement.
How does the Disability + Academic/Behavior skill deficit + Manifestation (how it looks in the classroom/other settings)
Informal Data is located...
What is PowerSchool/Eduphoria?
A teacher finds Criterion Referenced data...
What is Eduphoria?
A teacher can gather Curriculum based data from these sources.
What is Eduphoria/Gradebook?
When a teacher looks for Norm-Referenced data, they should look in this place...
What is the Full and Individual Initial Evaluation?