How many digits are in the number 573,298?
6 digits
True or false: When a number is expanded, it is broken apart into the value of each place by adding them together
Which digit is in the hundreds place? 853
680 and 690
What coins can I have if I have $0.67 in my pocket?
Check students' answers
If there are three digits in a period, how many periods are in the number 573,298?
2 periods
Correct the mistake: 43,617 in expanded form is 43,000 + 600 + 17
40,000 + 3,000 + 600 + 10 + 7
What is the value of the underlined digit? 7,914
What is the rounding rule we use to tell whether or not a number is rounded up or left alone to the nearest ten or hundred?
5 or more "let it soar", 4 or less "let it rest"
True or false: If I pay for an item that cost 14.95 with a twenty dollar bill, I should receive six dollars and five cents back as change.
False, I should receive $5.05 in change
Write the period of the underlined digits. 573,298
Thousands period
Write 92,763 in expanded form
90,000 + 2,000 + 700 + 60 + 3
What is the place of the underlined digit? 672,632
Round 448,631 to the nearest 100,000
Change due $3.02 (represented using three dollar bills, and two pennies)
Write this number in standard form: five hundred twenty one thousand four hundred thirteen
Write six hundred thousand, five in expanded form
600,000 + 5
What is the place and value of the underlined digit? 56,651,020
place is millions, value is 6,000,000
Amount given $40.00
Cost of item: 26.99
Change due: 13.01
Write this number in standard form: seven million three hundred thousand eight hundred fifty two
Write one 99,999 in expanded form
90,000 + 9,000 + 900 + 90 + 9
How is a number's place written differently than its value?
The place is written using words and the value is represented with digits (numbers)
True or false: 6,525,673 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 6,520,000
What is the formula we use to determine change due?
Amount given minus the cost of the item equals the change due