Round this number to the nearest tenth 3.85
What is the place value of the number 7 in this number 57.8
Is it equal, less than, or bigger than?
7.96 ___ 8.01
7.96 < 8.01
Write the following words into a decimal number:
Twelve and nine tenths
Draw the amount of money needed for this value:
The most simple answer would be:
1 toonie, 1 loonie, 2 quarters, 1 dime and 1 nickel
Round this number to the nearest tenth 7.49
What is the place value of the number 7 in this number 5.87
Is it equal, less than, or bigger than?
0.97 ____ 0.125
0.97 > 0.125
Write the following words into a decimal number:
Five Hundred seventy-nine and one-tenth
Draw the amount of money needed for this value:
The most simple answer would be:
One 5-dollar bill, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 2 nickels and 1 penny
Round this number to the nearest hundredth 1.905
What is the place value of the number 9 in this number 192.10
Is it equal, less than, or bigger than?
5.86___ 5.860
5.86 = 5.860
Write the following decimal in words:
Fifty-seven and nine hundredths
Draw the amount of money needed for this value:
The most simple answer would be:
One 50 dollar bill, one 20 dollar bill, 1 quarter, 1 dime and 1 nickel
Round this number to the nearest whole number 0.92
What is the place value of the number 8 in this number 1.082
Which of the following is in order from least to greatest?
a. 2.08, 4.80, 2.38, 8.79
b. 3.79, 3.80, 3.9, 4
c. 4.97, 4.99, 5.39, 5.0
d. 2.97, 2.09, 1.95, 0.89
Write the following decimals in words:
Two hundred ninety eight and thirteen hundredths
Draw the amount of money needed for this value:
The most simple answer would be:
Seven 100 dollar bills and 1 loonie
Round this number to the nearest whole number 3.90
What is the place value of the number 7 in this number 7000
Put the decimals in order from greatest to least:
0.34, 1.06, 1.45, 0.89
1.45, 1.06, 0.89, 0.34
Write the following words into a decimal number:
one million and eight hundredths
Draw the amount of money needed for this value:
The most simple answer would be:
Ten 100 dollar bills and 1 penny