Dever is the ____ plauge
What is 5th plague.
Schrin is the _____ plague
What is 6th plague.
From what did Hashem speak to Moshe?
What is burning bush?
Who's livestock died.
Who are the Egyptians?
Who threw the coal ashes.
Who is Aaron and Moshe
What did Pharaoh make the Jews do after Moshe told him to let his people go.
He made them collect their straw and build their bricks.
What pasuks is dever in
Shemot 9:1-7
What Pasuks is schin in
What is Shemot 9:8-12
What was Pharaoh afraid of.
He was afraid of Bnei Israel multiplying and taking over Egypt.
How did Pharaoh check if Bnei Israel's livestock also died.
He sent scouts.
Who ran away from pharaoh's palace and never came back.
Who are Pharaoh's magicians.
This was the specific reason Moses gave God for why he was unfit to lead the Israelite
What is "I am slow of speech and tongue."
What trick did the Egyptians scouts try?
They said to a Jew I will sell you my animals just while the plague lasts. Afterwards, they will be mine again. Hashem knew about this trick and the animals still died.
What caused Schrin to happen according to science?
The dead animals might have had an infection from their disease from Dever, which caused the people to get boils.
Where did the Jews live in Egypt?
What is Goshen