Total Income divided by Total Population
Per-capita income
Elements of this planning approach include minimalism, simplicity, functionality, and increased density.
This U.S. president's New Deal programs, including the Works Progress Administration (WPA), funded numerous urban development projects during the Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This legislation, signed into law in 1968, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, and other factors.
Fair Housing Act
These occurred across the country between 1965-1968 and resulted dozens of deaths, thousands of arrests, tens of millions of dollars worth of property damage.
When examining inequality, this economic indicator can highlight disparities in economic output across different regions or localities within a country.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Le Corbusier's proposal for the design of this city, famously known as "The Radiant City," envisioned high-rise residential buildings surrounded by green space and interconnected by highways.
This president's administration established the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1965 to coordinate federal housing and urban development programs.
Lyndon B. Johnson
This law, enacted in 1973, established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and regulates air and water pollution, impacting urban environmental planning.
Clean Air Act
Located in Amsterdam, this modernist project aimed to address housing issues. However, the neighborhood struggled with social issues, including crime, poverty, and a lack of community cohesion.
The weakening of these has enabled giant companies to leverage their size and resources to dominate markets and exert control over pricing, distribution, and access to resources.
Anti-Trust Laws
Le Corbusier's "Modulor" system was based on human proportions and was intended to inform the design of buildings and furniture. It incorporates elements from this ancient system of proportions.
The Golden Ratio
This president's policies emphasized deregulation and cuts to federal spending, leading to a reduction in federal funding for urban development programs during the 1980s.
Ronald Reagan
This law, enacted in 1972, established regulatory standards for the protection of water quality, impacting urban development and land use planning.
Clean Water Act
A generic term for those intellectual and affective activities in which individuals reflect on their experiences to gain new insights.
Reflective Practice
This phrase is used to describe a set of social welfare initiatives and legislative reforms introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s.
The War on Poverty
This city in India is home to the largest collection of Le Corbusier's buildings, which are collectively designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This president signed the Housing Act of 1949, which aimed to provide affordable housing and led to the construction of large-scale public housing projects in cities across the United States.
Harry S. Truman
This federal agency, founded in 1966, oversees the development of affordable housing and promotes homeownership opportunities for low and moderate-income families across the United States.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Communicative Action Theory emphasizes how people with more power use secrecy, technical language, and _________ to retain power.
This term describes how firms and individuals leverage their economic power to influence global, national, state, and local affairs.
Crony Capitalism
Le Corbusier's design philosophy was heavily influenced by this artistic movement, characterized by abstraction, simplicity, and geometric forms.
This president's administration implemented the Hope VI program in the 1990s, which aimed to revitalize distressed public housing developments through mixed-income redevelopment.
Bill Clinton
This federal program, initiated in 1974, provides flexible funding to support a wide range of community development activities in urban areas.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program
After seeing its success in Brazil, leaders brought this concept into two American cities, New York and Chicago.
Participatory Budgeting