Central Figure
Pre-mortality & Creation
The Fall
Life after Death

Who is the central figure in Heavenly Father's plan?

Jesus Christ


What does "Premortal life" mean?

Before we were born on earth, we lived in the presence of our Heavenly Father as His spirit children.


Who are the two main people involved in "The Fall"?

Adam and Eve


What do we have to prove in mortality?

That we will use our agency to do all that the Lord has commanded and prepare for eternal life by developing divine attributes.


Where do we go immediately after death?

Spirit world (paradise/prison)


Why was the plan of salvation introduced to us by Heavenly Father?

To become like Him, obtain immortality and eternal life.


Because we used out agency to follow Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's plan what were we permitted to do?

Come to earth, get a body, experience mortality and progress towards eternal life.



What was it that Adam and Eve could not know if they stayed in the garden and did not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

They could not know joy because they could not experience sorrow and pain.  Also they could not have children.


Our bodies are________ and should be respected as a gift from our Heavenly Father.



Who will teach those in spirit prison about the gospel?

Many of the faithful



Name the the 4 ways Heavenly Father's plan is referred to in the scriptures.

The Plan of Salvation

The Great Plan of Happiness

The Plan of Redemption

The Plan of Mercy


What is an essential characteristic of each person's premarital, mortal and eternal identity and purpose?



Define spiritual and physical death

Spiritual death is separation from God. Physical death is the separation of the spirit from the mortal body.


Name three ways we can be faithful to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ while in mortality.

Always repent, feel godly sorrow, discover a desire to know the Holy scriptures, find a desire to engage in church traditions, love your enemy, love your neighbor, etc...


Who will come forth in the first Resurrection?

The righteous will be resurrected before the wicked in the first resurrection


What is essential to Heavenly Father's plan for it to work?

Moral Agency - the ability to choose and act for ourselves.



Which doctrinal mastery passage is associated with this key statement of doctrine: 

Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth under the direction of the Father.

D&C 76:22–24

is the record of a vision that was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon in Hiram, Ohio, on February 16, 1832. This vision revealed many wonderful truths about Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation that were not known to the world at that time. Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–24 contains the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon’s testimony of Jesus Christ.


What does 2 Nephi 2:22-25 say to us about The Fall?

That without the fall men could not experience true joy.


Name three saving ordinances we need to receive in mortality before we can progress towards eternal life.

Baptism, Confirmation of the Holy Ghost, Endowment, Sealing


Name the order of events after we die.

1 - Go to the spirit world (Paradise/Prison)

2 - Resurrection

3 - Final Judgement

4 - Go to the Celestial, Terrestrial or Celestial kingdom


What do you think it means that “Jesus Christ is the central figure in Heavenly Father’s plan”?

Answers could include:

Because we can't be perfect like Heavenly Father we would never be able to follow with plan without Jesus Christ.

The Atonement is what makes the plan possible for us.  

(Teacher can judge wether the answer is worth 500 points or less)


Read Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–24 aloud. 

  • How does this passage help teach this key statement of doctrine "Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth under the direction of the Father."

They testified that Jesus Christ made worlds and the people on them and that he is on the right hand of the Father meaning he did as Heavenly Father wanted.


How is the Savior central to the Fall?

Through the Savior's Atonement we can overcome the effects of the Fall, recieve forgiveness for our sins and eventually receive a fulness of joy.


How is the Savior central to mortality?

It is where we can exercise faith in Him and His Atonement by repenting, receiving saving ordinances and covenants and endure by following His example.


How is the Savior central to "Life after Death".

Because Christ overcame physical death all people will be able to be able to have their spirits reunite with their bodies.  Jesus Christ will also judge each person to determine their eternal glory that he or she will receive.  Those valiant to the testimony of Christ and obedient will be able to live with Christ in the celestial kingdom.
