What is the name of Earths moon
The Moon
When did Pluto go from a planet to a dwarf planet
How many planets are there
The Outer Planets (Gas Giants) are on which side of the asteroid belt. (inner or outer side)
outer side
True or False the Inner planets (Terrestrial) are mainly made of rock
Which planets DON'T have moons
True of False Pluto has red snow
Largest Planet
Name the Outer Planets (Gas Giants)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune
Name the Inner Planets (Terrestrial)
Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars
What are Jupiters four MAIN moons called ______!
Galilean Moons named after Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei!
How may dwarf planets are there
Name the Planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What do all the outer planets (gas giants) have in common
They all have rings
True or False Venus is the biggest planet
How many moons does Neptune have
What are the 3 things that make a dwarf planet a dwarf planet
They have enough mass to form a sphere
They orbit around a object with a large point of mass (our sun)
They don't have enough mass to clear there surroundings
Name 2 things that make Venus unique from the other planets
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system
And it rotates East to West as for 7 other planets that rotate West to East with an exception for Uranus which rotates from North to South
Coldest Planet
What do all the inner (terrestrial) planets have in common
They all have no rings and have shorter orbist
**Double Jeopardy**
How many moons dose Pluto have
**Double Points**
What are there names
Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos & Hydra
Name the dwarf planets
Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, Eris & Pluto
In there such thing of planet X
The outer planets are made of mainly what
Helium & Hydrogyn
What ore do most Inner (terrestrial) planets have in the core