This is the planet closest to the sun.
What is the Sun made out of?
(About 70% hydrogen and 28% helium)
What is the only planet that man can survive on.
This is the coldest planet.
There is this many planets in our solar system.
(We don't count Pluto anymore)
This is the hottest planet.
What is the Sun
A Star
What causes tides on earth.
The moons gravity.
What planet has many (visible) rings
This effect happens when the moon passes between the earth and the sun.
(Hint: It can be quite the event)
A solar eclipse.
These are the four inner planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
What type of energy resource is renewable
Solar power
What percent of water is The Earth is made up of?
What four planets are considered the gas giants.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What planet is known as the "Red Planet"
The location of the sun
The Center
What does the Earth revolve around?
The Sun
What planet has the great red spot.
The inner planets are also known as
Terrestrial/Rocky planets
How old is the Sun?
Billions of years old
(Over 4.5 billion to be exact)
What does Earth's name mean?
The ground, soil, dirt, dry land
What is the fourth largest planet?
How many dwarf planets are there?
There are five!
(Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris)