The hypothesis that the way to answer the Drake Equation is that there are many other civilizations out there, but they are all hiding because its too dangerous.
Number of official Dwarf Planets in our SS.
What is 9?
Number of planets in the Sol System.
The first person in space.
Who is Yuri Gargarin?
Day and Night are caused by this.
What is the rotation of the Earth?
The name of the question of why we have found no alien life when there should be a lot of it out there.
What is the Fermi Paradox?
Number of Plutonian Moons
The 7th planet from our sun.
What is Uranus?
A space habitat must address these problems.
What is radiation, temperature extremes, microgravity, psychological effect of not being on Earth, food and water, and oxygen.
What is the name for your personal star?
What is Sol?
The equation to determine the possibility of alien life.
What is The Drake Equation?
Name of the closest Dwarf Planet.
What is Ceres?
The height of Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in our Solar System.
What is 21.9 km?
The 1st Vietnamese Cosmonaut
Who is Phạm Tuân?
We are closest to the Sun during this season.
What is Winter?
The closest system with exoplanets.
What is the Alpha Centauri System?
At over 500 AU, this is the furthest out official Dwarf Planet.
What is Sedna?
Number of Earths that fit into Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
What is 3 Earths?
The first Vietnamese-American Astronaut, 2nd astronaut born in Vietnam.
Who is Trịnh Hữu Châu?
Four things that the Sun provides.
What are light, heat, gravity, winds, climate, water cycle, Vitamin D, Photosynthesis?
The name of the first planet discovered that orbits a sun-like star.
What is 51 Pegasi b?
Spins so fast it has a strange shape.
What is Haumea?
How Luna formed.
What is that Theia crashed into the Earth?
The first woman of Vietnamese descent in outer space.
Who is Amanda Ngoc Nguyễn?
The most dangerous thing that comes from the sun.
What is a Coronal Mass Ejection?