What do we use to "Check-In" during community Meeting?
Beach Ball - With Check in Questions
What Tournament Event do the youth go head-to-head with the Admin Team?
What planned activity event is primarily held in the school department?
Movie Events
Head, Shoulders, Knees, ______, Present!
What was the most recent topic for Trivia?
Mp3 Guidelines and Rules & Expectations
How do we Plan upcoming Activities?
Vote during Community Meeting
What are 3 categories of tournament events we've had at SYSC?
Youth vs Youth
Youth vs Staff
Youth vs Admin
Unit vs Unit
200s vs 000s
Upper Levels vs Lower Levels
Who is allowed to participate in Movie Showing Events?
Everyone (unless you're on CSU)
Capture the _______, Dodgeball.
How many times have Admin won in Admin vs Youth Tournament Events?
What Certificate do youth receive when they win a scheduled tournament event?
"Bragging Rights" Certificate
If Youth win a tournament event against Staff, what unique prize is available?
Staff of their choice has to do 10 laps around the gym or do 10 push-ups.
What movie involved a Janitor creating a Chess Club for youth?
"Life of a King"
Rock, Paper, Scissors, _______!
Who participated in the "Around the World" basketball event during Christmas Break?
Santa and one of his Elves
What are 3 out of the 5 themes discussed in STARS?
What Tournament Event was described by a youth as "That's not a fun tournament; that's a game old people play at BBQs."
What movie marathon event involved a quiz and a sorting hat?
Harry Potter
Flip Cup Tic _____Toe
What day is "Community Meeting" Primarily held?
What are the Theme names for Planned Activity Days? (Name at least 3)
Mellow Mood Monday
Totally Random Tuesday (or Trivia Tuesday)
Wind it Down Wednesday (or Work it Out Wednesday)
Talk it Out Thursday
For the Win Friday
Self-Care Saturday
What staff was described as "Neo from the Matrix" during a Dodgeball tournament event?
What movie involves a high school football player doing the "death crawl" with another player on his back?
"Facing the Giants."
Write a Letter of __________ to your YC.
In the "Youth Contract of Understanding", it states, "Youth are expected to..."
Have fun!
I will also accept - "Be positive, encouraging, and show good sportsmanship"