Spines are often compared to this stem adaptation
What is an example of a plant that has a defense adaptation?
thorns are often compared to this leaf adaptation
Which plant has floating leaves and long stems that allow them to live in the water?
water lillies
How do cacti plants get their water?
from the roots
describe a spine
rigid and pointy
What is an example of a flower that has a defense adaptation?
What is a sharp defense adaptation that extends from the stem of the plant?
What do we call flowering plants that survive year after year?
perennial plants
Name one plant that has poisonous leaves
Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumar
What are the two purposes for spines?
to prevent water loss and to protect the plant
Why do some plants have defensive adaptations?
to prevent/dissuade animals from feeding on and damaging plants
what is an above-ground stem that grows horizontally along the ground?
environmental adaptations
What is another word for 'adaptation'
What type of trees have needle shapes leaves that help them survive in cold and snowy environments?
What helps fight disease?
What are swollen stems that grow underground?
What is special about a mangrove tree that allows them to grow in salt water and tolerate constant wave action?
special roots
How do dormant plants survive in the winter?
They survive on the sugar stored in their roots.
A bulb is an underground storage structure. What is an example of a bulb that humans consume for food?
What is the substance on plant leaves that causes an allergic reaction to humans?
Which plant adaptation allows a short stem to use food in its leaves to grow a new plant?
Why is moss able to grow on frozen surfaces?
Moss does not have roots
Why is it difficult for some plants to live in saltwater?
Salt causes plants to lose water, which they need to survive.