The part of the flower seeds are formed in.
What is the Ovary?
Name the two main types of root systems.
What are fibrous and taproots?
Name at least two functions of stems in plants.
What are conducts water and minerals, produces leaves and exposes them to light, supports leaves flowers and fruit, and stores food reserves in some plants.
Leaves are the main site where plants create food and carry out a reaction that requires sunlight.
What is photosynthesis?
The male parts of a flower can be described by this word.
What is the Stamen?
Name the two types of seeds.
What are monocot and dicot?
Tubes that carry sugar to areas in the plant where it will be used or stored. (down)
What is the phloem?
A type of stem the grows underground and is edible.
What is a tuber or potato?
The part of the plant cells in leaves that are responsible for photosynthesis and green pigment in plants.
What are chloroplasts?
Name the 4 parts of a complete flower.
What are the sepals, petals, stamen, and pistil?
Name the 3 things a seed needs to germinate.
What are water, air, and temperature?
The outer cover of the root where water enters the root through osmosis.
What is the epidermis?
The primary growing point at the top of the stem of a plant.
What is the terminal bud?
The very small opening where gas exchange occurs in the leaf.
What is the Stoma?
Name the three parts of the female part of a flower. (the pistil)
What is the stigma, style, and ovary?
The site where water enters the seed to begin germination.
What is the micropyle?
Tubes that carry water and minerals from the roots to where photosynthesis will occur. (up)
What is the Xylem?
An underground food-storage organ consisting of flattened, fleshy stem-like leaves with roots on the lower side.
What is a bulb?
The main characteristic of a compound leaf.
What is having two or more leaflets.
Plant species with the male flowers and female flowers on separate plants are known as:
What is dioecious?
The part of the seed that forms the root system of the plant.
What is the radicle?
The area of the root where cell division occurs, located in the tip of the root.
What is the apical meristem?
A threadlike leafless growth on a stem that attaches itself around other stems and objects.
What is a tendril?
The vascular bundle (vein) inside a leaf contains two pathways that are responsible for transportation in the leaf.
What are the xylem and phloem?
The reproductive part of flowering plants.
What is the Flower?