what is a non vascular plant
This type of plant does not have roots and tissue to absorb water and nutrients. They absorb nutrients through their leaves
What is a rhizoid?
These are rootlike structures that nonvascular plants grow from
What are gingkoes
This group of gymnosperms has flat, fan shaped leaves that turn yellow in autumn.
What is seed structure?
Scientists classify angiosperms based on their ___________________ (2 words)
what is a vascular plant
This type of plant has roots and other tissue to help conduct water through all parts of the plant
What is a frond?
These are the leafy branches of a fern
What are gnetophytes?
This type of gymnosperm is usually found in hot, dry deserts or tropical rain forests
What is Dicot?
These angiosperms have two cotyledons in their seeds
What are nonvascular plants?
Mosses and liverworts are classified as these types of plants
What is a fiddlehead?
These are the coiled up fronds on a fern that resembles the top of a violin
What are conifers?
The majority of gymnosperms are these, which mostly look like tall, straight trees
What is a monocot?
These angiosperms have one cotyledon in their seeds
What are angiosperms
These types of vascular plants produce flowers and have seeds protected in a fruit
What is a perennial?
This word is used to describe angiosperms that can live for three or more years
What is Resin?
When a pine tree is cut or broken, this material seeps out to heal the wound
What is four or five?
Dicot's have this many petals (or in multiples)
What is gymnosperms
These types of plants do not produce flowers and have seeds in cones
What is biennial?
This word is used to describe angiosperms that need two growing seasons to fully develop
What is Rosin
Musicians use a form of the sticky stuff that comes out trees called
What is three?
Monocots have this number of petals (or in multiples)