The first group of land plants are the ____ and their allies, the liverworts and hornworts. Together, they are called the bryophytes.
What is moss?
The plant starts life as a ____.
What is a Seed?
What are Monocots?
The _____ help provide support by anchoring the plant and absorbing water and nutrients needed for growth.
What are Roots?
The _____ is considered the "female" part of the flower because it produces seeds.
What is the Pistil?
_____, horsetails, and their allies make up the second group of land plants, the pteridophytes. These plants all have vascular systems, made up of xylem (flow of water and nutrients from roots to leaves) and phloem (flow of sugars and other metabolic products from leaves to roots).
What are ferns?
The seed grows and turns into a ____.
what is a young plant?
One of the main large groups that start with the prefix di-.
What are Dicots?
_____ carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves.
What are Stems?
The _____ is the colored part of the flower that gives it a unique shape.
What is a petal?
The largest group of gymnosperms are the _____ ("cone bearer"), which include the redwoods and Dougles-firs which are the dominant plants of Caz.
What are Conifers?
The young plant grows and turns into a ____.
What is a mature plant?
A group of related plant families classified in the order in which they are believed to have developed their differences from a common ancestor.
What is Subclass?
_____ are the food making factories of green plants.
What are leaves?
The _____ is considered the “male” part of a flower because it produces the pollen.
What is a Stamen?
The final group of land plants are the angiosperms, also known as the ____. The evolution of the flower represents the high point of plant evolution. The flower attracts many animals which assist in pollination, making the process of pollination more efficient and less random than in the gymnosperms.
What are Flowering Plants?
The mature plant grows ____ on it.
What is Flowers?
The classes are further sub-divided into ____ whose names end in "ales."
What are Orders?
____ not only look pretty but, in fact, are important in making seeds.
What are flowers?
The _____ is the part of the flower responsible for making food for the process of photosynthesis.
What is the Leaf?
Simple plants are small (not very efficient?) and reproduce by ______.
What are Spores?
The plants then produce ____.
What is Fruit?
This is the part of plant nomenclature that is the most familiar.
What is a Genus?
The ____ is the ripened ovary of a plant containing the seeds.
What is Fruit?
The _____ is the part of the flower that attaches it to the rest of the plant.
What is the Stem?