Scientists classify angiosperms based on their
What is seed structure?
This word refers to a fine powdery substance, usually yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone.
What is pollen?
This refers to the female reproductive organ of a flower.
What is an ovary?
The majority of gymnosperms are these, which mostly look like tall, straight trees
What are conifers?
This word refers to the part of a stamen that contains the pollen.
What is Anther?
This word describes the development of a plant from a seed or spore after a period of dormancy.
What is germination?
When a pine tree is cut or broken, this material seeps out to heal the wound.
What is Resin?
This word is used to describe angiosperms that can live for three or more years.
What is a perennial?
These types of plants do not produce flowers and have seeds in cones
What are gymnosperms.
The last stage of many flowers lives when the ovary of a flower ripens and begins to contain seeds.
What is a fruit?
Musicians use a form of the sap that comes out of trees called...
What is Rosin
This word is used to describe angiosperms that need two growing seasons to fully develop.
What is biennial?