Rigid layer that is found outside the cell membrane
What is a Cell Well?
What is the seed coat?
How plants obtain nutrients.
What are the roots?
The final stage of the flower life cycle.
What is seed spreading?
Organelle of photosynthesis. They capture light energy from the sun and use it with water and carbon dioxide to make food
What is Chloroplasts?
Reproductive organ of the plant.
What the the flower/petal?
Process of using the energy in sunlight to make food (glucose).
What is Photosynthesis?
Stores food for the plant.
What is the cotyledon?
Holds the plant upright.
What is the stem?
The sexually reproductive part of the plant.
What is the flower?
How dandelion seeds are spread.
What is wind?
Maintains turgor pressure against the cell wall
What is the central vacuole?
Produces Energy.
What are the mitochondria?
Part of the plant that absorbs sunlight.
What is the leaf?
Many offsprings and little parental care.
What is r-selected?
How hitchhikers are spread.
What are clothes?
Name one characteristic of plant cells that makes animal cells and plant cells different.
What is: Cell Wall, Chloroplast, central vacuole, etc.
The two types of seeds.
What are Monocot and Dicot seeds?
Control Center of the Cell
Few offsprings and a lot of parental care.
What is k-selected?
Stores water (organelle)
What is the vacuole?