This tree can be over 110 meters tall.
What is a sequoia? (redwood tree)
Lives for more than two years or growing seasons.
What is a perrenial?
Where all the female reproductive organs of a flower are located.
What is a pistil?
A pad covered in pollen.
What is an anther?
If a seed lands in the right conditions for new growth, this process will occur.
What is germination?
A system tubelike tissues that transport food, water, and other materials throughout the plant.
What is the vascular system?
This biennial is high in nutrients like vitamin C and beta carotene.
What are carrots?
"When we finally bust out of this capsule, let's hope we find a moist surface to land on!", said the ________.
What is a spore?
These come in a wide variety of shapes, patterns, and colors.
What are petals?
These plants have parts in 4s and 5s, and have netted veins.
What are dicotyledons?
These plants have xylem and phloem tissues, yet use spores to reproduce.
What are ferns?
I lose my leaves during the autumn and winter months but do not worry, I'm still alive!
What is deciduous?
Down the __________ towards the ovule of a flower where fertilization takes place.
What is a pollen tube?
These green leaves are actually not leaves at all, nor are they blades of grass, but they photosynthesize just the same and are found at the bottom of the hill.
What are pine needles?
Some pine trees require ________ to open their scales in order to release their seeds.
What is fire?
Although these plants do not have true vascular tissues, they still find ways to transport food and nutrients to one another.
What are mosses?
Most ________ and ________ are perennials that continue to live on from one season to the next.
What are trees and bushes?
This low-hanging gametophyte is small, squishy, and contain millions of pollen grains.
What is a male pinecone?
Grasses, and some trees and bushes do not have bright, showy petals or flowers, despite being ______________.
What are angiosperms?
Fertilization takes place and the ________ starts to form.
What is an embryo?
These tissues allow a plant to get rid of its waste material.
What is phloem?
These TWO types of trees tend to stay green all year and define themselves in their very names.
What are evergreens and conifers?
What are cotyledons?
A thin stalk that develops from the tip of a female moss plant.
What is a sporophyte?
The process in which insects, humans, and other animals pollinate one species of flower with another's.
What is cross-pollination?