If you planted the Three Sisters which crops would you be growing?
Corn, beans, squash
What are the three types of bees in a hive?
Queen, worker, drone
What is the national tree of Canada?
The Maple Tree
What is the provincial flower of Yukon?
This plant is high in vitamins A and C, has a distinctive smell and is now one of Ontario's most aggressive invaders.
Garlic mustard
What is considered the current hottest chili pepper in the world?
Carolina Reaper
What is the cluster of pollen bees carry on their legs called?
A pollen basket
What is the world's tallest living tree?
Coast Redwood (Sequoia Sempervirens)
What colour is the African Lily?
This plant forms dense stands with thick mats of roots that reduce nutrients and space for native species.
Purple Loosestrife
Coffee Plants can live up to how long?
100 years
On average, how many beats per minute do bees wings beat in flight?
12,000 beats per minute
What is the national tree of Japan?
The cherry tree
What is the common name for the blue flower ‘Myosotis’, also known as mouse’s ear?
This aquatic plant that has not yet been found in Canada forms dense mats to block sunlight from reaching other submerged plant
What is honeydew (clear, sticky droplets) on a plant a sign of?
Aphid infestation
How many flowers must bees collect nectar from to make 1 pound of honey?
2 million
The ancient woodland Parkhurst Forest is located where?
The Isle of Wight
What is the national flower of Iceland?
White dryad
This fungus infects and kills healthy butternut trees.
Butternut canker
Which method of growing plants without soil uses a mineral nutrient solution in a water solvent?
What is the name of the sticky substance bees collect from the buds of trees to weatherproof their hives?
What is dendrochronology?
The science of calculating a tree's age by it's rings
In France, May 1st holds this flower related festival.
La Fete du Muguet (lilly-of-the-valley festival)
The roots of this plant are edible but the sap can cause severe burns.
Wild parsnip