Which of the basic needs do plants provide for?
All of them
Which part of the plant anchor the plant, absorbs water and minerals and stores manufactured food?
The root
What kind of plants complete their life cycle in one year(or one season)?
What's another name for monocotyledons?
They are also names monocots
what another name for dicotyledons?
They are also names Dicots
What are direct sources?
The plant or plant products are used by humans
Which part of the plant supports the leaves, flowers, and fruit, conducts water, minerals, and food, stores food and water and produces new stem tissues?
The stem
What kind of plants complete their life cycle in two growing seasons?
How many cotyledon do they have?
They have one
How many cotyledon do they have?
They have two
What are indirect sources?
Humans that use the animal and animal products that feed on plants and plant products
Which plant part produces food for the plant through photosynthesis?
The leaves
What kind of plants has a life cycle for more than two years or growing seasons?
What are the vascular bundles like?
They have scattered vascular bundles.
What are the vascular bundles like?
They have vascular bundles arranged in a circle
What are some examples of direct sources?
Fruits, nuts, vegetables, and cotton
what are different parts of roots?
Primary roots, secondary roots, root hairs, root cap
what happens to Perennials in winter months?
They may die back during the winter months and then return from their rootstock
What kind of leaf veins do they have?
They have parallel veins
What kind of leaf veins do they have?
They have netted veins
What are some examples of indirect sources?
Beef, leather, chicken, and wool
What are different types of roots?
Tap, Fibrous, and adventitious
What's the two different kinds of perennials?
Herbaceous and woody
What multiples are the flower parts in?
They are in multiples of three
What multiples are the flower parts in?
Multiples of 4 or 5