I am a living thing that makes my own food.
What is a producer or plant?
*only green plants make their own food by photosynthesis
I am a plant with the ability to make flowers. This group of plants did not evolve until after the time of the dinosaurs (Jurassic Era)
When a fruit is ______ it can be picked and is ready to be eaten.
What is ripe?
I hold the plant in the soil. I also take in water and minerals. I also store food for the plant. I communicate with other plants in the Wood Wide Web. I work with fungi to bring Nitrogen to the plant.
What are the roots?
Another name for Plants with seeds.
What is spermatophytes
I am the 4 things a plant needs to make its own food.
What are nutrients, sunlight, CO2 and water.
I am 3 things that can move pollen between flowers. Also these can be ways seeds and spores are dispersed.
What are birds, bats, bees, other insects, animal fur, wind and water.
An ovary protects me. I live inside a fruit. There can be 1 of me or many, many of me.
What is a seed?
I am the plant organ that takes in air and uses sunlight to make food through photosynthesis.
What are leaves?
This is when pollen drops from the anther into the pistol of the same flower.
What is self pollination.
When plants make food through photosynthesis, they give off this gas.
What is Oxygen?
I am a plant with exposed seeds without an ovary. I am a plant without flowers.
I am a non-flowering plant. I am haploid (n) and have a single set of chromosomes. I also reproduce sexually.
I hold up the plant. I allow water and food to travel through the plant. In trees and shrubs, I have a woody protein called lignin that aids in support.
What is the stem?
Give an example of a plant without seeds.
What are Sporophytes: fungi, lichens, mosses and ferns!
Name two substances in rock and soil that help plants and animals grow.
What are minerals or nutrients like magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, chloride, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen?
Name two spore-producing plants.
What are ferns, fungi, lichens, moss?
I am a plant that does not have seeds or flowers. I am diploid (2n) and they have two sets of chromosomes. I reproduce asexually.
What is a Sporophyte (or fern, fungus, lichen, moss)?
The part of a plant that can become a fruit in angiosperms.
What is a flower?
Name two types of cross pollination.
What is anemophilous (wind) and entomophilous (insects), water, bats, birds, and animal fur.
I am the tiny pores in leaves that take in the CO2 necessary for photosynthesis.
What are stomata?
The stages of growth for a plant from reproduction to decomposition.
What are pollination, seed dispersal, germination, rooting, sprouting, seedling, fruiting, and decomposition?
Three functions of the roots
They always grow down to keep the plant in one place. They bring water, nutrients, and minerals into the plant. These keep the plant anchored to soil and rocks. They communicate with other plants and their roots. They have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria and fungi to take Nitrogen up into their vascular system.
Most flowers make me. I am a sticky powder inside the flower than helps to make the seeds.
What is pollen?
Name the three parts of the pistil.
What is the stigma style and ovary.