10 mL
The three platforms of Shockwave we keep here in cath lab.
C2+ M5+ L6
These two methods of delivering contrast during procedures are the following.
Manifold and ACIST
The time it takes for Shockwave to reset after delivering pluses with C2+.
10 seconds
Lengths we keep here in cath lab for these blade carrying balloon catheters of love.
6, 10, 15
Minimal vessel diameter sizing to safely lase.
The atm we inflate the balloon to delivery therapy.
4 atm
This allows us to view your heart and blood vessels in great detail to aid in diagnosing and sizing. Four letters but it is actually two words.
The time it takes for ELCA to reset after lasing.
5 Seconds
We call them "blades" but lets put more respect to the actual name of these anchoring longitudinal fracture micro incision makers.
The two sizes of ELCA kept in our department.
.9mm and 1.4mm
C2+ is the platform we use for coronary lithotripsy. We have these many pulses per catheter total.
Time Distance Shielding
The incidence of complications following cardiac catheterization ranges from 0.8 to 8%. Complications most likely involve the access site, effects of the catheter, and the contrast agent. Most often, injection of the contrast agent causes a sense of warmth throughout the body. However, this serious reaction can occur.
Wolverines have been around these many years. Longer than most of our young staff has been born.
30 Years
The energy delivered per unit area of tissue, typically measured in millijoules per square millimeter.
The working length of the C2+.
Validated score used to measure coronary artery flow during angiography.
TIMI Flow Grade (0,1,2,3)
A rare genetic condition in which the organs in your chest and abdomen are positioned in a mirror image of normal human anatomy.
Situs Inversus
These Wolverines are kept here.
Bottom shelf of the last wavemark cabinet, next to the OCT
The repetition rate of laser pulses, measured in pulses per second (Hz).
The three components of the simple and Intuitive IVL System.
Generator, Connector Cable, IVL Catheter
A malformation in the origin, course, shape, or branching of the coronary arteries.
Anomalous coronary artery
The arterial wall is made up of three layers, that perform a variety of functions.
Tunica Intima, Tunica media, Tunica Adventitia
Inflate wolverine at 1 atm every these many seconds.