What is Cosmetic Surgery?
It aims to improve how people look and feel about themselves. It can be performed on just about any part of the face or body.
What is Body dysmorphia?
a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance.
What is Body dissatisfaction?
occurs when a person has persistent negative thoughts and feelings about their body.
What does "flaw" mean? Example: Everyone has many flaws but they make us perfect in our own way.
What is Reconstructive/Plastic Surgery?
It is done to correct facial and body abnormalities caused by birth defects, injury, disease, or aging. Usually, the goal of reconstructive plastic surgery is to improve body function.
What is Snapchat Dysmorphia?
a trending phenomenon used to describe patients who seek out plastic surgery in order to replicate and appear like their filtered selfies or altered images of themselves.
What is self-esteem?
confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
What does "Inner beauty" mean?
Self-love, acceptance, and gratitude. A combination of qualities
What is Body shaming?
the action or practice of mocking or stigmatizing someone by making critical comments about the shape, size, or appearance of their body.
What does "enhance" mean? Ex: I did a liposuction because I wanted to enhance my figure.
to improve
What does "snide" mean? Example: I've been having some snide comments lately because I have a different taste in fashion.
Unpleasant, mean, mocking
What does "Exterior Beauty" mean?
External beauty is determined by physical characteristics.
What does "buzz" mean? I decided to get a buzz of plastic surgery because I was getting too obsessed.
A pleasant intoxication
What does "crave" mean? Example: I always crave getting more cosmetic surgery.
To desire