These is how large tectonic plates move across the Earth's surface.
What are convection currents?
Layer of rock (granite) that forms continents, floats on top part of mantle, oldest and thickest form of crusts, but less dense than newer form of crust.
What is the continental crust?
Converge, diverge, and transform.
What are the three types of plate boundaries?
Two continental boundaries push against each other creating pressure that causes both plates to rise and create folding mountains.
What are two convergent boundaries?
He is the scientist who proposed the theory that seafloor spreading causes tectonic plates to move.
Who is Harry Hess?
A young and think layer of crust made mostly of basalt, and more dense than other crust.
What is oceanic crust?
This is made when two oceanic crusts collide and are created through the process of sea-floor spreading.
What is mid-ocean ridge?
One oceanic boundary and one continental boundary colliding with volcanoes forming on the continent and a trench forming in the ocean.
What are convergent boundaries (one continental and one oceanic)?
This is the type of plate boundary where seafloor spread can create a mid-ocean ridge.
What is a divergent boundary?
Responsible for the Continental Drift Theory, he was not believed by his fellow scientists.
Who is Alfred Wegener?
This is created when two continental crusts collide?
What is rift valley?
No new subduction zone is created.
What is continental-to-continental convergent boundaries or transform boundary?
This is where the upper solid mantle meets the crust.
What is the lithosphere?
These type of boundaries slide past one another.
What is transform boundries?
Crust is neither created nor destroyed.
What is a transform boundary?
A crustal feature that is formed where two oceanic plate boundaries meet.
What is a volcanic island arc?
These boundaries move apart or divide.
What are divergent boundaries?
These boundaries create a subduction zone.
What is a continental/oceanic convergent boundaries?