Know Your Kitchen Utensils
Mr. Wehrle's Favorite Music

Something we observe to be similar over and over again



This type of plate boundary has two plates moving away from each other and growing. State the boundary and draw me a picture.



This kitchen utensil is a small knife that is used for small tasks that require precision such as peeling, slicing, or making decorative cuts. 

Paring Knife


The mantle is the portion of the earth that lies below the plates. Describe the texture/composition of the mantle.

Soft, solid rock, similar to silly putty. It is made of melted or partially melted rock (magma)


This first album released by this Detroit based rapper was "The Slim Shady LP". (NOT SCHOOL APPROPRIATE)



To examine in detail for a purpose



This type of plate boundary has two plates moving towards each other, with one sinking below the other and getting smaller. State the boundary and draw me a picture.



This type of cooking pan is a rounded, deep dish pan of Chinese origin that is often used to make stir fry



Explain to me how a trench is formed along a convergent boundary. 

Two plates move towards each other, and one will sink below the other into the mantle. The sinking plate falls downwards and also pulls some of the other plate down with it, forming an indentation in the ground.


This 2000's pop punk band was featured on many teenage movies, and had hit singles including "In Too Deep" and "Fat Lip"

Sum 41


A diagram that shows what the inside of something looks like

Cross Section


Explain to me why the Mesosaurus fossil is important. 

It was found on two different continents, but we know it could not have swam across the ocean. This gives us fossil evidence that the plates were once together and they have since moved.


This brand of kitchen appliance is synonymous with a stand up mixer with interchangeable attachments. (Like how a Frisbee is a brand name, but everyone calls any "flying disc" a Frisbee)

KitchenAid (they are pricy!)


Explain to me how a ridge is formed along a divergent plate boundary. 

Two plates move away from each other, and magma from the mantle rises up to fill in the gap at the plate boundary. This eventually stacks up and forms a ridge.


Gwen Stefani is the lead singer of this ska band which originally formed in the 90's, with hit singles such as "I'm Just a Girl" and "Don't Speak"

No Doubt


Any of the many processes in which gas, lava, or ash are ejected on the surface of the earth

Volcanic Activity


Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents were once together and have since moved. Tell me three pieces of evidence that supported his theory. 

Shape of the continents

Distribution of fossils

Similar mountain ranges/rock formations


This kitchen utensil consists of a tube with a ball on the end that is squeezed, which uses suction to suck up a liquid that can then be injected into something. 


Tell me how volcanoes form at both divergent and convergent boundaries. 

At divergent boundaries, volcanoes form right at the boundary as magma rises in between the plates and erupts on the surface (it does not always result in volcanoes, but does when the magma rises quickly). At convergent boundaries, volcanoes occur near the boundary, resulting from the sinking plate melting and the magma rising up.


This singer has made soundtracks for many Disney films, had a successful solo career, and was a member of the band "Genesis"

Some singles include "You'll Be In My Heart", "In the Air Tonight", and "That's All"

Phil Collins


A long, deep indentation on the ocean floor formed when two plates move together



If plates are always moving away from each other at divergent boundaries, why doesn't the earth get bigger as the plates continuously grow?

Not all boundaries are divergent. Usually one side of the plate will be diverging and the other will be converging, so the overall size stays the same. Think of a treadmill: the belt is going down on one side and up on the other.


This kitchen utensil is used to quickly slice produce into perfectly even pieces, strips, or other shapes. It is often used in restaurant kitchens as it is much faster than a knife.



Explain to me the process inside of the mantle which drives plate motion. Draw it for me.

Hot material rises inside of the mantle and begins to spread out towards the surface. As it spreads, it pulls the bottom of the plates and causes them to move. Eventually the material will sink back down, and the process repeats. 


This English rock band was formed in 1968, and was criticized for their counter-culture lyrics, long hair, and generally going agains the norms of the time. Ozzy Ozbourne was the lead singer. Singles include "Iron Man" and "Paranoid"

Black Sabbath 
