States that Earth’s surface is made of rigid slabs of rock, or plates, that move with respect to each other
plate tectonics
Dominant rock on the continents
Movement of transform
sliding past each other or side to side
What are the three states of Volcanoes?
Active, Extinct and Dormant
Convection currents (hot rising and cool falling in a cycle) occurs in this part of the earth
A mountain range in the middle of an ocean is called a
mid ocean ridge
When the denser plate sinks below the more buoyant plate_
movement of divergent
away from each other
Type of boundary that creates seafloor spreading
divergent boundary
Causes the tectonic plates to move
The asthenosphere and creep
Continents were once part of a supercontinent called
What layer of the earth do the plate tectonics move
movement of convergent boundaries
Boundary that creates underwater volcanic mountains
Convergent - Oceanic / Oceanic
When the asthenosphere gets mushy and liquidy.
Also that weird guy at the Library
Process where new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older crust moves away from the ridge
seafloor spreading
A volcano that has no more eruptions or any magma under it
What are the three types of Volcanoes?
Constructive, Destructive and Subductive!
Boundary that creates ground volcanic mountains
Convergent oceanic continental
What is the granite plate called?
Continental Crust
Dominant rock on the seafloor
Why are their fossils of marine animals on top of Mount Everest?
In the past, the land Mount Everest is now was an Oceanic plate that was under water.
created the Himalaya Mountains
Continent - Continent Convergent
San Andres Fault
Which is MORE dense, the Oceanic Crust plate or the Continental Crust? And, which rock is it made of?
Oceanic Crust, basalt