Name that Plate Boundary
Explain It
Draw It
True or "Fix It"

Which plate boundary is know for causing Earthquakes?



In a container I mix water and oil. What will happen over time?

The water and oil will separate. The oil is less dense and will float on top of the water because the water is more dense. 


Illustrate what a transform boundary looks like.


Convection currents is the process in Earth’s outer core that scientists believe is driving the movement of the plates due to the heating and cooling of magma.

Convection currents is the process in Earth’s mantle that scientists believe is driving the movement of the plates due to the heating and cooling of magma.


A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movement within the earth’s crust or volcanic action.

What is it and what plate boundary causes it?

Earthquake - Transform Plate Boundary


Which plate boundary is know for causing Sea Floor Spreading?



What happens when you place a pot of cold water on a hot stove? 

The water at the bottom will warm and will rise because it is less dense. 

Cold water at the top will sink because it is more dense. 

This will create convection currents in the container as the warm water cools and the cold water warms up.


Illustrate what a divergent boundary looks like.


Transform plate boundary is the type of plate boundary that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed.

Divergent plate boundary is the type of plate boundary that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed.


The sea floor spreading can help explain which theory?

Continental Drift Theory


Convergent boundaries are known for causing volcanoes. What type of crusts are typically colliding?

Oceanic and continental crust


Earthquakes and volcanoes tend to happen/form along the Ring of Fire, why is that?

The Ring of Fire is the result of plate tectonics. It is located where a plate boundary meets another plate boundary.


Illustrate what a convergent boundary looks like.


Subduction is the process that occurs when one plate sinks beneath another plate because it is more dense.



Draw a picture that explains why oil is less dense than water.


Convergent boundaries are known for causing mountains. What type of crusts are typically colliding?

Continental and continental 


What is the subduction zone?

Where a more dense tectonic plate converges with a less dense plate.

The more dense plate dives beneath the second plate and sinks into the mantle.



Layers of the Earth. Include: lithosphere, inner core, crust, outer core, asthenosphere, mantle 


Albert Einstein could have used the tectonic plates as evidence to prove his Continental Drift Theory

Alfred Wegener could have used the tectonic plates as evidence to prove his Continental Drift Theory


What is more dense oceanic or continental crust?

oceanic crust, this is why it will is will go under the continental crust during subduction 


What type of convergent boundary is caused by an oceanic crust and and continental crust colliding?

Identify three things this can cause/create.

Subduction plate boundary

Can cause: Volcanoes, earthquakes, trenches 


Explain sea floor spreading

Magma is being pushed through the sea floor as the plates are diverging. 

Over time the sea floor is pushed away as new rock is formed.

Oceanic crust and continental crust meet at the trench.

Oceanic crust bends down under the continental crust.

Gravity pulls rock towards mantle where it is recycled. 


Convection currents in the Earth. Include arrows and labels (vocabulary: crust, mantle, ridge, trench)


The San Andreas Fault in California represents the convergent boundary between two major plates

The San Andreas Fault in California represents the transform boundary between two major plates


What was the year Mt. St. Helens erupted? 

May 18, 1980
