This is the name of the super continent that used to exist on Earth.
What is Pangea?
This region surrounds the Pacific Ocean and has the highest rate of volcanoes and earthquakes in the world.
What is the Ring of Fire?
This landform is created when two oceanic plates DIVERGE.
What is a midocean ridge?
This is the layer of Earth that contains the tectonic plates.
What is the LITHOSPHERE?
This was the first thing that caught Wegener's eye and made him think the continents used to be joined.
What is the puzzle piece fit of the continents (especially South American and Africa).
This is the type of plate boundary, the types of plates involved and how they move in a COLLISION.
What is a CONVERGENT boundary, CONTINENTAL plates, and moving TOWARD each other?
This landform is created when two continental plates CONVERGE.
What is a mountain range?
This is the layer of Earth that is constantly moving with convection currents.
What is the ASTHENOSPHERE (mantle)?
This is why finding coal in the Arctic provided evidence for Wegener's theory.
What is coal is only formed in tropical swamps, so the continents must have once been somewhere warmer?
This is the type of plate boundary, the types of plates involved and how they move in a STRIKE-SLIP boundary.
What is a TRANSFORM boundary, any kind of plates, and moving BESIDE each other?
This geologic event can take place at ANY type of plate boundary.
What is an EARTHQUAKE?
This is the heat source for the convection currents in the mantle.
This evidence that supported Wegener's theory is show on this map.
What is fossils of organism that could not swim found on different continents?
This is the type of plate boundary, the types of plates involved and how they move in a SPREADING boundary.
What is a DIVERGENT boundary, any kind of plates, and moving AWAY from each other?
This landform is created in the ocean at all SUBDUCTION ZONES.
What is a TRENCH?
This is what the mantle's convection currents are doing:
1. under the midocean ridges
2. in subduction zones
What is RISING under midocean ridges and SINKING in subduction zones?
These are the two main reasons scientists did not believe Wegener's Theory of Continental Drift.
What are he had no explanation for how the continents could move and he was not a geologist?
This is the type of plate boundary, the types of plates involved and how they move in a SUBDUCTION boundary.
What is a CONVERGENT boundary, Continental-Oceanic, or Oceanic-Oceanic, and moving TOWARD each other (with one going underneath)?
This landform is created just in from the edge of the plate that is NOT SUBDUCTED, either on the continent, or in the ocean.
This is an explanation for why hot magma rises and cool magma sinks within Earth's mantle.
What is hot magma near the core is LESS DENSE, so it rises, but cools off near the lithosphere, becoming MORE DENSE, so it sinks back down?