The super continent formed around 230 million years ago that was proposed by Alfred Wegener.
What is Pangea?
The type of plate boundary where only earthquakes occur (ex: San Andreas Fault)
What is a transform plate boundary?
This layer is the only liquid layer of the inside of the Earth.
What is the outer core?
A crack in the Earth's crust.
What is a fault?
The ________ and ____ dense magma wants to move towards the crust and the ______ and the ______ dense magma wants to move toward the core.
What is hotter, less, cooler, more?
The instrument used to measure the strength of an earthquake.
What is a seismometer?
Continental-continental convergent plate boundaries create earthquakes, and this geological process.
What are folded mountains?
The layer of the Earth that includes the crust and the upper mantle.
What is the lithosphere?
An earthquake is the release of energy from the interaction between two plates. The energy released comes in the form of these.
What are seismic waves?
This geologic process, typically found at convergent plate boundaries, is where the crust is destroyed.
What is a trench?
The rock that is formed from cooled lava and magma.
What is igneous rock?
This geological process occurs at a divergent plate boundary in the ocean, and creates new crust for tectonic plates.
What is a mid-ocean ridge?
This layer of the earth is the densest and the hottest.
What is the inner core?
This type of seismic wave can travel through all layers of the inside of the Earth.
What are primary waves (p-waves)?
The motion of older rock being pushed away from a divergent boundary at a mid-ocean ridge.
What is seafloor spreading?
When an old part of the crust is pulled into the mantle due to gravity, it is also known as this.
What is slab pull?
This term is for when one plate falls beneath another due to different densities in converging plate boundaries.
What is subduction?
The liquid-solid layer of the earth that the lithospheric plates float on top of.
What is the athsenosphere?
Volcanic Islands, like the island nation of Japan, were formed by which plate boundary (be as specific as possible).
Ocean-ocean convergent plate boundaries
These are the two parts of the "motor" that drives plate motion.
What are convection currents and gravity?
An area where magma rises and punches a hole through the lithospheric plate and creates a volcano.
What is a hot spot?
This type of plate boundary causes volcanic mountain ranges to be formed on land. (be as specific as possible)
What is oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary?
This type of seismic wave travels through all of the layers of the Earth, except for the outer core.
What is a secondary wave (s-wave)?
This type of plate boundary results in the formation of volcanic islands (be specific as possible).
What is ocean-ocean convergent plate boundary?
These are the two sources of heat for the interior of the Earth.
What are heat due to friction and radioactive decay?